Sophie Letourneur

It takes him suddenly at 40 years: Frédéric wants a baby, Claire never wanted one and they agreed on that. He commits the unforgivable and makes a child behind her back. Claire turns into a whale and Frédéric becomes a doting father.


Jacques is a writer living in Paris. He hasn't turned 40 but already mistrusts that the best in life is yet to come. Arthur is a student living in Brittany. He reads and smiles a lot and refuses to think that everything in life might not be possible. Jacques and Arthur will like each other. Just like in a lovely dream. Just like in a sad story.


Gaby mustn’t be left alone at night. Yet that’s exactly what her boyfriend Vincent does, to test her love for him. She struggles against her natural instincts and quickly exhausts the patience of the local guys. But Gaby decides to turn to castle warden Nicolas, an expert in loneliness, for help.


Three female friends recall their misadventures (more sexual than cinematical) attending the Locarno Film Festival.


Is there such a thing as strictly feminine cinema? Is it more difficult for a woman than for a man to direct a film? Is gender parity necessary in the industry? Actress and producer Julie GAYET and actor and director Mathieu BUSSON ask these questions to twenty French woman filmmakers, who face a camera together for the first time. After over an hour of lively, informal, spontaneous and funny interviews, it becomes obvious that these issues are still problematic and definitely worthy of a documentary. As Mia HANSEN-LØVE remarks, “In the eyes of the people, a woman’s film is always a woman’s film, while a man’s movie is simply… a movie”.


In one Paris divided militarily into two like was the former Berlin Est-Ouest, Ines Raymond receives from the right bank people who ask for a visa for the left bank. Each have their reasons and dreams for crossing the Seine, but, Ines must follow the new instructions.


Laetitia and Sophie go to Quimper, town where Laetitia used to live, to pass the weekend. Sophie is having problems with her husband, while Laetitia tells her about one of her youth's boyfriends, the "masked sailor" she used to love while she lived in Quimper.


Pam is twenty. She and her girlfriends hang out together on the couch at The Ranch, the apartment she shares with Manon. Sitting around chatting, drinking, smoking, and dancing are part of life at their age, but there comes a time when you need to cut loose from the group and go your own way...


A West suburb of Paris, a big park over the city, the Seine below, a hill in London, the tune of a dissonant melody, friendship, the shadow of these over listened British bands, forgotten faces, the color of memory. Mikhaël Hers' idiosyncratic hour-long Primrose Hill is the ultimate (sleep)walking-and-talking film, in which assorted young people drift around parks in the small hours, musing on favourite records and a lost London idyll.
