Sophie Lutz

After four years in prison for the manslaughter of her father, Sara Manzer wants to look ahead. She has support for her new life, which she gets primarily from her friend Marlene, who takes her into her apartment. Sara, who has turned from a party girl into a reserved woman as a result of her imprisonment, wants to shake off memories and reorient herself. But then the police are at her door again. A former colleague was stabbed and old files of her case were found on him. She reluctantly admits that she spoke to Benno Rose before his death. He had new insights into her old case that should relieve her. Sara insists she had nothing to do with Rose's death. But this statement cannot prevent the Freiburg commissioners Franziska Tobler and Friedemann Berg from doing further investigations in this case.

"Kruso" tells of the last summer before the Wall came down on the small island of Hiddensee in the Baltic Sea. Beyond state-organized tourism, the isolated island became a kind of artist colony every year and a place of longing for dropouts and alternatives. Due to its proximity to Denmark, Hiddensee was also the starting point for the flight across the Baltic Sea.


A woman goes through a weekend full of ups and downs after a shocking diagnose, according to which she has less than a year left to live.


Anja Altmann disappears after a birthday party. When the police ask husband Thomas about her , family attorney and friend Lavinia Bertok manage to dispel any suspicions about him. But soon Thomas is arrested. While the Altmann family start hurling accusations and recriminations at each other, Anja allegedly surfaces in Spain, raising a strange suspicion against Lavinia.
