Souad Amidou

They knew each other long ago: a man and a woman whose dazzling and unexpected romance captured in the now-iconic film, revolutionized our understanding of love. Today, the former race car driver seems lost in the pathways of his memory. In order to help him, his son seeks out the woman his father wasn’t able to cherish but whom he constantly revisits in his thoughts and dreams. Anne reunites with Jean-Louis and their story picks up where they left it…


Comedy about a muslim and how is (expected) to behave.

The life of a Middle-East family of immigrants in Europe. The father carries the heavy burden of banishment. To rescue his culture, his traditions, is mandatory, so he remains faithful to his past, his origins, to himself. His daughter is now a grown-up. He worries and wishes she would get married soon. The young woman leaves the family home every morning, but changes her clothes in a bar before she goes to work, her hair down. She puzzles the young boss of the company that employs her. He fell in love and is ready to do anything to marry her. But the young woman keeps her freedom of choice, just like her mother had done with her father. She won’t have time to introduce the only man for her to her parents. A friend of her father’s catches them. In a cafe.


10-year-old Saïd, a child of Algerian immigrants, is talented, motivated and would like to be a good student. But the conditions at the collège he attends in the Parisian banlieue hardly give him a chance. And then he is drawn into the criminal machinations of his brother.

In 1960, Moroccan Jews began migrating en masse to Israel, encouraged by immigration officers of the new state. The film tells the drama of the story of two families, one Jewish and one Muslim, joined by a close friendship but whose destinies are separated. Selected by Morocco as a candidate for the 2008 Oscar for Best Picture Foreign Language.


A jazz singer and a British jewel thief are brought together by their mutual desire to forget the past.


Pour se rapprocher de ses enfants a la suite de son divorce, Laurent Monier, professeur d'histoire-geographie dans un paisible lycee de province, accepte un poste dans un college sensible de la banlieue parisienne. On lui attribue la classe la plus dure, la quatrieme techno, et il trouve un appartement a la cite des Muriers, un quartier particulierement difficile.


Directed by Selma Baccar.


Two physicians, one old and one young, fall in love with the same woman, Juliette, a quixotic hairdresser. First, she is with Raoul, the older one; then passion for Clément, the younger doctor, takes over. Raoul fights back, playing on Clément's guilt and Juliette's lack of self-assurance; then, Clément makes his case to Juliette, abandons his fiancée, and takes her to the provinces where he sets up practice and asks her to have a baby. She panics and abruptly leaves Clément, taking up with Raoul again. When she contracts Hodgkin's disease and the treatment does no good, Raoul believes she has the malady of love. Is there a cure?


A prostitute (Agnès Soral), released from prison, tries to change her life, but a murderous slave organization, the Consortium, is determined to bring her back to the fold or kill her, which forces her to seek help from Liberty, an anti-Consortium group.


An adolescent who fancies himself a sexy and conscientious young man abuses all his friends and family in a quest for his own independence.


The plot in this story weaves around like a New Year's reveler at four in the morning, heading first in one direction and then in another, with the intention of going home if things would just stop moving. Bernard (Gerard Depardieu) is a doctor whose Hippocratic oath was a hypocritic failure -- the not-so-good doctor kills his wife because she is having an affair, and he kills her lover too. Then he joins the French Foreign Legion. On his way to the former French colonies in Africa, the plane he is in crashes, and Rossi, a "friend" on the plane with some overweight in carry-on money, shoots Bernard and takes off, leaving him for dead. He is nursed back to life and health by friendly villagers and just his luck, he not only manages to make his fortune in Africa, he also nabs a French passport from a dying man who will clearly not need it anymore unless the Pearly Gates have a French guard.


A grotesque, frenetic and musical short film from Jérome Lefdup, Dominik Barbier, and Larry Flash.

A man and a woman meet by accident on a Sunday evening at their childrens' boarding school. Slowly, they reveal themselves to each other, finding that each is a widow.
