Sridhar Rangayan

Set in South India and Mumbai, Evening Shadows is a tender heartwarming story about a mother-son bond that has to withstand the ravages of time, distance and truths. On a road trip that the mother and son take, truth spill out, ripping the ties apart.


Filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan embarks on a personal journey to expose the human rights violations faced by the LGBTQ community in India due to a draconian law Section 377 and homophobic social mores of a patriarchal society.


Heartrending stories of LBT people victimized and subjugated by the law, the family and society, as well as hopeful stories of youngsters who have come out of the closet bravely.


Coming from a country like India that is still in denial, where being HIV+ is still a curse, '68 Pages' rips open the underbelly of its society to reveal how it stigmatizes and shuns those who are HIV+ or even those who just want to be what they are. Through 68 Pages of a counselors diary, we see the stories of Paayal, a sex worker; Nishit, an ID user; Kiran, a gay man and Umrao, a transsexual bar dancer - their stories of pain and fear, humiliation and rejection - not only by the society, but even by their loved ones.


Two Brits, Ravi and Paul travel to India where they meet Murthy and Anna an older gay couple that have managed to form a partnership and live together for over 20 years. When Ravi meets and falls for Mani an Indian national who is betrothed to be married. He turns to the older couple for advise and help but traditions die hard in India. Written by [email protected]


The Pink Mirror, the Indian release title Gulabi Aaina is an award-winning Indian film drama, produced and directed by Sridhar Rangayan. Said to be the first Indian film to comprehensively focus on Indian trans people, with the entire story revolving around two trans women and a gay teenager's attempts to seduce a man - Samir (Rufy Baqal). The film explores the taboo subject of trans people in India, which is still much misunderstood and ridiculed.


Filmmaker and gay activist Sridhar Rangayan continues documenting his personal journey along with his companions, at the front lines of the battle for equality and dignity of the Indian LGBTQIA+ community.