Stanislav Boklan

Presidential order forces children of the officials who are working and studying abroad to return, so chief of police Petro Burundiak has his son Vasyl back in Ukraine and working as a police freshman.


As a result of a terrible car accident, young Ukrainian athlete Oksana Boturchuk suffers several serious injuries, almost losing her eyesight. However, after long rehabilitation and a returning to incredible training, she is able to conquer a gold medal at the Paralympic Games in Beijing.

Spring. Shots and explosions can be heard nearby - there is a war. Uliana packed her things to go. All the neighbors have long since left, except for them and the mentally retarded boy Pasha. Gordii cuts trees in his garden. Uliana catches a car that is ready to take them to a safe place, but Gordii, despite the war, refuses to leave his native land.

Criminal thriller about traffickers and smugglers from Ukrainian border. The feature film about the borders and the life on their edge.


Traumatised by her daughter's death a Ukrainian nurse takes retribution, but is conflicted by her faith and unprepared for the consequences.

President Vasily Goloborodko is in power for almost half a year. The economic situation in the country had deteriorated: prices are rising and the national currency has depreciated. People's confidence in the President is rapidly falling. To stabilize the situation in the country Goloborodko needs to get financial assistance from the IMF in the amount of 15 billion euros, which can be provided, if reforms and anti-corruption laws will be introduced in Ukraine.


A story of Lyudmila Pavlichenko, the most successful female sniper in history.


Modest and humble teacher Vasily is caught on camera raging over the miserable situation in his country. When a pupil posts the video on Youtube, it becomes a viral sensation. Everybody loves Vasily’s outrage and people start gathering money for a presidential campaign. Which he wins! Servant of the People follows Vasily’s new life as president; he has no interest in changing his life, he wants to stay the same, live in his flat with his parents, borrow money from his friends at the end of the month and take his bike to work; it’s just that now his work is as the most powerful man in the country.


American boy Peter and blind minstrel Ivan are thrown together by fate amidst the turbulent mid-30s Soviet Ukraine.


Based on the true story of the "death match" where the Soviet team "Start" scored its second victory over the German team «Flakelf» on August 9, 1942


Denis Komarov is a policeman. He is an expert in technical equipment, a top specialist. His wife Natasha is a school coach. The ordinary family with a modest income leads a settled happy life until they get terrible news. Their only lovely child, the 8 year old Olya, is severely ill. Her last chance is a very expensive operation on kidney transplantation. The despaired parents are going to sell their apartments, but suddenly they get an alternative solution.

The tax service, together with the investigating authorities and special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, is investigating major financial frauds, accompanied by a series of murders of people involved in the crime. “Orders” are executed, undoubtedly, by a talented sniper. Among the alleged victims - the head of a major chemical plant Boris Morin. Employees of the Organized Crime Control Department offer Morin a mutually beneficial deal: in order to stay alive, he must disclose his financial developments to them. Leading analyst of the State Tax Administration Tatyana Uvarova is connected to the investigation.

In the ranks of the investigating authorities was calculated "mole". All information about the progress of the investigation, testimony and operational measures through it came to the criminals. But the enemy is not neutralized, the game continues. The traitor decided to go all-in and tried to eliminate not only the “talking” witness, but also Uvarov. They managed to stop him, and Tatyana and Aleksey, united by danger, could not resist the sensual impulse and went beyond the framework of the charter relations.

Having come to work, the chairwoman of the board of a large bank, Dina Yermakova, is held hostage by the robbers. There is no limit to the horror of a young girl. Mentally saying goodbye to life, Dina learns that the robbery is not real, the fact is that the bank director allowed his friend to shoot the scene of the robbery for the new film. But by chance they forgot to warn Mrs. Yermakova. During the filming, director Sergei really liked the strict and unapproachable Dina Sergeyevna. The guy decides any valuable to win her icy heart.

Bolshevists aim to set their rules on the lands of the Western Ukraine repeatedly occupied by them. UPA – the partisan army – resists their policy. Civil population becomes a hostage of this war "without rules", and above all – relatives of the insurgents. Invaders and their allies cruelly torture Ukrainian people, but the struggle continues. Irritated, "bolshevists" start evicting people to Siberia. UPA tries to prevent this action, but the forces are not equal... Insurgents can only take revenge and punish the executioners.


The shooting of a prosperous and influential businessman leaves the residents of a small provincial town in a state of shock. While the initial investigation indicates that a woman may have been involved in the murder, the crime scene has been left clean, and detectives have very little evidence to go on. However, with the culprits still at large and the crime unsolved, the sudden death of this local celebrity is frightening the entire town. Fortunately, the investigator from the central prosecutor's office happens to be in town on vacation and steps in to head the murder investigation.