Stanislav Lyubshin

Caught in the middle of the road God knows where and trying to leave, Asya finds a bus stop on the outskirts of the forest. But there are no buses running here, the stop is fake, the route was canceled a long time ago, and the stop itself remained here so that elderly people with Alzheimer's from a local nursing home did not go somewhere by accident. They will sit for a while and forget that they wanted to go somewhere. While Asya is waiting for a taxi, an old man appears at the bus stop. An optional conversation ensues between them, which in the most unexpected way will forever change the lives of both.

The misanthrope Alexander Christoforov, nicknamed "Alec", is a hopeless loser. The actor, who was celebrated in the Soviet era as the hero of "Eugene Onegin", is carving out a depressing existence as a bad paid figure of a ridicule historical show. Despised by his ex-wife, alienated from his son, Alec has totally screwed up his life. But when diagnosed with a mortal illness, he sets off on a ludicrous tour de force at the end of which a piece of eternity surprisingly awaits him - A comedy with a happy end.


In the midst of the wedding princess Miroslava is kidnapped by a dragon and carried away into his castle on the remote island. Mira left everything behind in the past - family, friends and groom. Now the only things she had were a stone cage and a mysterious young man named Arman ... but who is he and what is he doing on that island? Miroslava will know the truth too late: loving a dragon will reveal the bitter truth - love is scary.


A story about a few men and the autumn of their lives...


Andrey Petrovich Lvov, a World War 2 veteran, has lived a good and honest life, helping to raise three generations of offspring - his daughter, granddaughter and then his great grandson, Andie. His great-grandfather's kind and gentle influence on Andie was so strong that, upon entering military service, the boy was unable to cope with the tyranny of Captain Yefremov, a man whose numerous personal problems and hang-ups had turned him into a vindictive and merciless fiend. One day, in an alcoholic stupor, the Captain pulled a gun on Andie, accidentally shooting and killing him. During the investigation the Captain blamed the 'accident' on Andie's carelessness in handling arms. Six months later Andrey Petrovich learned the horrific truth behind the incident from one of his great grandson's friends on being demobilized from the military.

A love story between 16 years old student and old artist.


Two middle-aged couples live in two-handed village huts: the Zvyagintsev's and the Arefyev's. Once the wives, tired of family life, decided to exchange husbands. Between old neighbors and good friends, a cheerful quadrille begins with a constant change of partners. Without wanting it, a lonely woman Makeyevna takes part in it for the last time, slowly dragging bricks from the Zvyagintsev's yard.


Tsarevich Alexei was one of the smartest people in the state. His father Peter hoped that he would take his place, but Alexei tried with all his might to remain out of power and wished for ordinary human happiness.


The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! New time requires a new image of the Turkish national Ostap Bender. He still selflessly loves money. As in the days of the NEP, his big blue dream remains white pants and distant Rio de Janeiro. His methods of achieving the goal are still the same - honest taking money from citizens.


A large government official from Moscow, having come to rest at home, falls into a trap organized for him by two sisters working in the former state house. Sincerely falling in love with one of them, he does not suspect that he is becoming the object of blackmail ...


In Russia in the late 1960s, Elena will do anything to see that her son Yuri succeeds as a pianist: she longs for him to win a competition that will send him to Paris. To ensure his success, she denies her love for an iconoclastic painter for whom she models, prostitutes herself to a Party figure, encourages her son to break with his true love because the girl is a Jew, and, in general, behaves in paranoid ways, believing, for example, that a new lodger, Evgeny, is a KGB spy. She also has her own family secrets, which she will go to any length to keep her son from learning.


Adaptation of 'Prince Serebrenni' by A. K. Tolstoy.


The drama of Eugene Markovsky is based on the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky's “Eternal Husband”.


Man who talks with a ghost called Black Monk is forced to see a doctor. After the treatment, he loses his ability to communicate with the ghost, becoming angry, violent and utterly unhappy.


The main characters of the film is a company of students who have recently entered college. They just managed to taste the adult free life away from their parents. Now the world has acquired new colors, and everyday life has become more saturated - filled with entertainment and interesting activities. A stern physical education teacher in a technical school puts a “fail” to the whole group. The reason is simple - truancy. But adolescents cannot stand any morality from the lesson the man taught them and decide to teach him a lesson.


Two Soviet humans previously unknown to each other are transported to the planet Pluke in the Kin-dza-da galaxy due to a chance encounter with an alien teleportation device. They must come to grips with a language barrier and Plukian social norms (not to mention the laws of space and time) if they ever hope to return to Earth.


A troubled journalist is joining the club which promotes healthy lifestyle.


Egor Polushkin (Stanislav Lyubshin) is a kind-hearted, nature loving, artistic family man who is living in a small village. To his neighbors and even his wife (Nina Ruslanova) he is a walking disaster, so they frown at him and call him Bedonosec (engl. misfortune bearer). Only Egors son (Viktor Anisimov) shares his enthusiasm for the beautiful things of live. As Egor becomes the new forest ranger, this new position brings him not only joy, but it is also the source of great suffering to come, as his fondness for the living nature and especially the newly acquired white swans is in conflict with the interests of others...


In search of inspiration and new topics, the famous metropolitan writer Kim Yesenin goes to the province. Unexpectedly for himself, he discovers that here people live very differently than in the world familiar to him. By chance, he witnesses someone else's love drama - dissident Andrei and intellectual Sasha, who is leaving for America. He is shocked by this complex conflict and fictitious problems, where there is no place for either melancholy or depression. In this situation, the hero decides to go to Moscow...


Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Volodin "Five Evenings". The end of the 1950s. Aleksandr Petrovich Ilyin travels to the city where he lived before the war. Visiting the telephone operator Zoya, he sees a familiar house through the window and decides to go there for only fifteen minutes. So Aleksandr gets into a communal apartment, where the love of his youth Tamara Vasilyevna lives. They met twenty years ago and fell in love, but the war separated them. Now Ilyin and Tamara Vasilyevna met again, and love broke out with renewed vigor...


A boy in Russia, circa 1900, makes a daunting trip from his home village to a school in the city.


TV version of a play based on Ernest Hemingway's posthumous novel.


Based on the novel of the same name by Vera Panova. Twenties of the XX century. The country lived in the mainstream of the “peaceful” revolution — a young life was raging, not knowing fatigue and compromises. Shura Sevastyanov is a beginner in a small newspaper, with two classes of a parish school. Following the spirit of building communism — an ardent fighter against philistinism in any of its manifestations. Having two loyal companions — Zoya the big and Zoya the little — a principled and unyielding Shura at one fine moment realized that he was in love with his "ideological adversary" — Zoya Bolshaya — beautiful and self-absorbed, dreaming of a completely different life than he was.


Fyodor and Kseniya for many years worked at various construction sites. They constantly moved from one hostel to another and dreamed of their own cozy nest. Their dream came true after fifteen long years, and this made them incredibly happy. Kseniya is pregnant, the characters will finally begin a new life and become a full-fledged family. Fyodor is convinced that his calling is to provide for his family. He works hard and rarely sees his family. Kseniya lacks his attention. The couple began to move away from each other.


Professor Sretenski is a scientist and director of a research center in Russia. He is separated from his wife and lives alone. His daughter, who lives with the mother, comes to his home and stays with him for a period, leaving her daughter with him. He raises his granddaughter, feeling a great affection for her.


A sadly humorous story about a Siberian tractor driver, Ivan Rastorguyev, traveling with his wife to a Black Sea resort, and about their first visit to Moscow.


Dramatizes, in an official Soviet government release, the rise of the Red Army and the revolution that they eventually won.


The year is 1940 and Nazi Germany is at the height of its military prowess, having captured most of Europe and eyeing the Soviet Union to the East. The Russian military command suspects hostile intent from Germany and so arranges for its spies to infiltrate ranks of the German military and the SS. Alexander Belov is a Russian spy, who travels from Soviet-held Latvia to Nazi Germany under an alias of Johann Weiss. His mastery of the German language, steel nerves and an ability to manipulate others help him to use his connections in the SS to ascend the ladder of the German intelligence. He uses his position to identify sympathetic Germans, who help him to procure vital intelligence, and to help local resistance movements in their collective fight against Nazism.


Having returned from the army, 20-year-old Sergei settles down at the thermal power station and merges into ordinary life. Every day he meets and spends time with childhood friends — the young family man Slava and the merry fellow Nikolai, and once at first sight he falls in love with a stranger on the bus. A lyrical story about a generation of young people entering adulthood, a reappraisal of values, life principles, traditions in culture and art.


A romantic tale set during WW2 between a Soviet (Belarussian) soldier and Italian girl, who try to escape the horrors together.


An adventures of a young boy in a fishermen village on a sea coast.


Having lost her parents during the war, Galya was brought up in an orphanage. When the grandfather was rehabilitated, they began to live together. Galya often called Alyosha to repair the phone. After walking around Moscow at night, they realized that they loved each other. Once, after another call, Aleksei was slandered. The boss, not wanting to delve into the essence of the client's complaint, invited Aleksei to apologize. The guy refused — and he was fired from his job. Friends helped him find another job, but he could not convince Galya that he was right. The girl reproached him for cowardice — and the heroes quarrelled...


A story of Victor, a young man who is working in a big mine as driver.


A story about one of the hard days of WWII based on the novel by Vasiliy Bykov.


Soldiers undertake the perilous task of removing a stockpile of World War II bombshells discovered during roadworks under the ground of a small village.
