Stanisław Sielański

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The main character is a very superstitious man. On the 13th day of the month, after a very bad start to the day, he reads the newspaper and learns that he won the lottery. The unexpected happiness causing him to make a scene at work. Soon it turns out that there was an error in the newspaper and he did not win.....


Three provincial journeymen: a shoemaker - Szydełko, a tailor's - Igiełka, and a carpenter - Wiórek, come to Warsaw, where they end up in the "Pod Apartuszkiem" inn. Soon they unexpectedly win a million zlotys in the lottery. They divide it equally and everyone goes their own way, but they agree on "Under the Apron" next year. After a year, they all meet again. The first two lost all their money, and the third settled down and married Lucia, the daughter of a carpenter.


The action takes place in a fictional country. One day the head of the Ministry of Public Morality is Susan, whose greatest misfortune is to have a twin sister. Twin sister is actress and cabaret revue, which performance and behavior discredits the minister.


Ryszard Malewicz, a young inventor, is out of work. He had been waiting for months for a response from the ministry to which he had sent plans for his invention, an explosive of extraordinary power. Desperate Ryszard is comforted by his mother and his fiancée Maria.


1936 movie starring Barbara Orwid and Mieczyslaw Cybulski.


The story of two friends Adam and Zygmunt, serving in the floatplanes escadrille of the Polish Navy.


Pharmacy trainee Władzio (Eugeniusz Bodo) is a shy young man with a good heart, in love with lovely Loda (Loda Halama).


1934 movie starring Witold Conti.
