Stasya Miloslavskaya

Early 20th century. Polina arrives at a girls' boarding school on a mysterious island to find her sister who disappeared under strange circumstances. Polina's investigation is complicated not only by conflicts with other girls and the imperious mentor Zakharova but also by a strange obsession that drives the girls mad, one after another. Polina needs to find out what happened to her sister without losing her mind in the process and get off the island which is sinking in the abyss of insanity.

Following her divorce, Marina thinks that she’ll never meet love again. Little does she know that one day, she’ll find the love of her life in freediving, one of the most extreme sports in existence, built on diving as deep as possible on a single breath. In the vast, mysterious realm of the sea, Marina not only regains her sense of peace and well being, but also redefines her existence.


By the age of twenty, Eduard Streltsov has everything one can dream of: talent, fame and love. He is the rising star of Soviet football. The whole country, with bated breath, expects victory from the national team at the upcoming World Cup where Streltsov is to face the great Brazilian football player Pelé. However, two days before the departure of the team, the sportsman’s enemies manage to destroy his career. When the door to big sport seems to be closed for good, Streltsov has to re-enter the field and prove that he is a true champion who is worth everybody’s love.


A heroic story about firefighters and rescuers. What we call an act of bravery is just a usual routine for them, if only one can get used to mortal danger and extreme risk. When people in distress seem to have nobody who may help them, rescuers come to fight against merciless forces of nature.

The film’s two main protagonists are Russia’s best saber fencers. One of them has long been in the limelight, the other only recently made it to the national team and has been winning almost every tournament since. The two athletes begin to fight for supremacy both inside and outside of the arena.

Two athletic gymnasts are challenging for a place in the team. Both of them have secrets which could destroy their career in a big sport. Both take the risk and reveal secrets to each other.

The 1990s. Empty shelves in the shops, an economic abyss and criminal dramas that unfold literally at every corner. The young leader of a criminal gang Anton Bykov, with the nickname “Bull”, must make money in whatever way to provide for his family. After a local shootout, Anton ends up in the police station, from where he is released at the intervention of Moscow’s crime lords. In exchange, the latter asks Anton for a small, but dangerous service


Three young couples are getting ready for the weddings and each of them faces different problems.

Corrupted criminal investigation officer, Sergey Volkov, got into serious trouble - for another trick while being drunk, the boss sends him into exile - into the ranks of exemplary mounted police. All the staff of the regiment seemed to him fabulous creatures with ancient notions of duty and homeland. Not wanting to linger on a new place, Volkov wants to leave to settle his personal affairs, but having learned that his new colleagues have fallen into a powerful batch, he nevertheless decides to come to the rescue.


A family living on the outskirts of Moscow are mired in quarrels, discomfort and mutual oppression. They spit negative emotions at each other, forgetting about love, compassion and God. A tragedy will take them through a belated catharsis.


Annual Charitable Christmas Evening “Action!”


Kostya and his friends are young and love playing street football. He is the coolest of the lot. Kostya dreams of playing professionally, but cannot bring himself to approach the coach. His girlfriend, Nastya, shares his dream, but street football is Kostya’s life, and the outdoor pitch is akin to a second home, a place for friends to meet and play.


2027. A medical corporation launches a TV show to promote its revolutionary invention - the human head transplant. A group of young thrill-seekers gather on an island to play a dangerous game. The rules are simple: win or perish.The prize is priceless - immortality.