Stefán Hallur Stefánsson

Spring of 1971, Johanna, a professor of Nordic Studies comes home from Paris to attend her father’s funeral. She’s also looking to find work at the University, but her feminist viewpoints about the systematic silencing of women’s voices in history does not go over well with the university board.


An American photographer adrift in a remote Icelandic community becomes entangled in the lives of a mysterious European couple.


A thirtysomething couple, Hringur and Elsa, are about to buy their dream house in downtown Reykjavík when the video store Hringur owns faces foreclosure. As the crisis threatens to split them apart, Hringur resolves to sort things out before it’s too late.


The tragicomic story of lone rebel Boddi Steingrimsson who lives in a small town in Northern Iceland. Boddi hates materialistic modern society in its entirety and on his blog-page he comically criticizes everything and everyone. Before long he has become an outlaw in his own hometown, just like his viking hero, Grettir. After a series of dramatic mishaps, he snaps and goes riding down south to the big city on his sturdy steed Nietzsche. He's got a gun in his pocket. He's ready for the revolution.


Laddi leikur Jóhannes, myndlistarkennara sem upplifir dag sem ætlar engan endi að taka. Þessi ólukkudagur hefst á því að Jóhannes, af sannri riddaramennsku, stoppar fyrir ungri stúlku (Unnur Birna) í rigningu á Reykjanesbrautinni. Á vegi Jóhannesar verða ýmsir skrautlegir karakterar, bandbrjálaður öfundsjúkur kærasti, metnaðarfullur skólastjóri, óalandi unglingur og kostulegt lögregluþjónatvíeyki.


New York-based Katrín is returning to her native Iceland for her grandfather's 70th birthday. Her family in Reykjavik unwittingly engages her in discussions about marriage, children and her future – while she sneaks in phone calls to her girlfriend in New York. As she struggles with coming out, events reveal that other family members have secrets of their own.
