Stefan Jäger

15-year-old Mia faces an overwhelming transformation which puts her entire existence into question. Her body is changing radically, and despite desperate attempts to halt the process, Mia is soon forced to accept that nature is far more powerful than she is.


Nick and Anna are off to Switzerland for six months. Nick, a chef, wants to collect recipes of local cuisine and Anna hopes to write a new book. The journey can also be good for their relationship, because Anna suspects that Nick had an affair with other woman. Meanwhile, Mischa will take care of their Viennese apartment.


A boy must brave deep winter snow to obtain an important family keepsake. Before he can even start this difficult journey he must first help his family survive financial ruin, rescue his beloved pet goat, and with his best friend, outwit a bratty bully who seems out to get him at every turn. Will he make it back to the village in time to celebrate the end-of-winter holiday of Chalandamarz?


Shortly before graduating, six drama students set off into the Swiss Alps. The aim of their excursion is to test the extent of and overcome their fears using a series of dares. They plan to stay overnight in an underground alpine bunker. As the group initially jokes about the similarity of their situation with THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, the game soon turns into an unpredictable trial of courage for them all. This no-budget-horror-experiment from director Stefan Jäger takes us into the uncomfortable underworld of the Swiss réduit, a huge defence complex, the construction of which began before the First World War.


A soccer magnate on a promotion tour in Addis Ababa gets mixed up in a fake kidnapping. His supposed liberator is a 12-year old street kid with a plan - to have the Godfather of soccer take him to ballplayer's heaven.


The film takes the viewer on a roller-coaster ride of emotions, evoking laughter and tears, hope and suffering alike. Melina is young and full of illusions. She has just fallen in love and ...


Emotionally stormy Bibiana, temperamental Claudio, sexually adventurous Harald, and secretive Tamara were close friends in their college days, but the four had a falling out and have not seen one another in close to a decade. As the four are edging into their thirties, Bibiana decides its time for a reunion, and invites Claudio, Harald, and Tamara to her apartment for a dinner party. However, after a long evening of conversation, Bibiana has a surprise for her guests...


A story of a man who has nine lives and a girl who falls in love with him. Is he a demon or an angel?
