Stefan Jarl

Stefan Jarl and the Danish director Carsten Brandt, having exchanged letters for many years, decide to start a correspondence of cinema letters. They are interrupted when Carsten is diagnosed with cancer, but Stefan continues to send his short film letters to Carsten. Now Stefan's unanswered letter has been put together into a feature film about man's relationship to nature and society and the striking tenderness to all living things that characterized Stefan Jarl's filmmaking.

A family on a small farm tries to live as usual even though there is a violent coup in the country. The threat is constantly present.


Documentary about the making of Bo Widerberg's film 'Victoria'.

A short tribute to director Stefan Jarl's late friend, filmmaker Bo Widerberg, who passed away in 1997 at the age of 66.

Documentary in which director Stefan Jarl has a blood test performed on himself to show the "chemical burden" of trace chemicals in the blood of all people born since World War II.


A portrait of the legendary Swedish journalist and writer Cordelia Edvardson (1929-2012). She was only fourteen when she alone was brought to the concentration camp of Theresienstadt and later to the camp of Auschwitz.


A feature-length documentary, possibly focusing, at least in part, on the recent anti-globalization protests in Gothenburg, Sweden and the alleged police misconduct during the protests.


A documentary about acclaimed Swedish actor Thommy Berggren.


A documentary about Arne Sucksdorff. Stefan Jarl interviews Sucksdorff in his home where they talk about his films, life and memories.


A documentary about acclaimed Swedish film director Bo Widerberg.


13 year old Kim feels at home in the wilderness. One night, nature's soul appears to him in the form of an Indian, and designates him nature's protector.


Misfits to Yuppies is the last of three films (Dom kallar oss mods, Ett anständigt liv, Det sociala arvet) that shows conditions for addicts in Stockholm and try to find out how social legacy have been transferred to their children from previous films.


A father and his son move to small village in the south of Sweden. One day, the boy finds an injured bird. He skips the school and spend more time in the woods with the bird.


A documentary which visually captures the day-to-day routines of a husband and wife on a small farm.


On Saturday, April 26, spring came to Sweden. That same day, Chernobyl nuclear power plant exploded. Bringing mild winds to Scandinavia. Sweden suffered heavily of radioactive poison.


A documentary about Swedish Discus champion Ricky Bruch as he prepares for the 1984 Olympics. The film highlights Bruch's obsessive behavior regarding his training and preparations. Facing difficulties with the Swedish Olympic Committee, Bruch is denied the right to compete in the Olympic Games. Bent on revenge, he trains like an animal and competes in smaller competitions, ultimately throwing his career-best 71.26 meters (233 feet, 9 inches). Proving to himself and the world that he is the greatest, Ricky's throw would have won the 1984 Olympics by nearly 5 meters.


Naturens Hämnd ("Nature's Revenge") is a moving and thought-provoking documentary about what we do with our natural enviroment, and what concequences it brings along.


"A Respectable Life" - A decade has gone by and the spirit of the preceding film, Dom kallar oss mods, has disappeared. Kenta is an alcoholic and lives with his girlfriend Eva. Together they have a son, Patric. Kenta's mom is in jail for manslaughter and Kenta goes to Kronoberg to greet her. Heroin also comes to play and Stoffe is one of those who falls victim to it. He lives with his girlfriend Lena and their young son, Janne. Lena later throws Stoffe out their home when she gets enough of his abuse, and he is forced to live with his mother. Kenta calls Stoffe and decides to meet him, and he tries to persuade him to give up heroin, but the two have a falling out and they separate. This film features other users from the previous film, such as Jajje and Kenta Bergkvist. The film ends with the death of a prominent person in the trilogy.


The film documents the alternative festival, made to protest against the Eurovision Song Contest held in Stockholm 1975. There are many Swedish and international artists on stage, as well as some clips from speeches, riots, civil wars, and the people at the song contest itself.


A police officer is murdered with a bayonet while staying in hospital. The investigative team, lead by Martin Beck, soon discover that the man had frequently abused suspects as well as civilians but that any complaints had been ignored owing to the misguided loyalty of his colleagues. The volatile mind of the killer means that Beck has to resolve the case quickly before more people are hurt.


Private detective Ture Sventon is visited by his friend Mr. Omar of the Arabic desert. Sventon decides to travel with Mr. Omar on his flying carpet to Paris. However, Sventon almost exclusively lives on cream puffs, and to transport these across the continent, he needs a portable fridge. He pays a visit to Stockholms foremost fridge inventor and are introduced to a new fridge which shrinks and deshrinks the food. The inventor is afraid his new invention will be stolen, and thus Sventon brings it to Paris where it gets stolen.


Loosely based on the Sala gang, a group of five people that committed murders and thefts in Sweden in the 1930s.


A documentary film depicting a group of young boys from Stockholm which live on the outskirts of society. The film is the first part of a trilogy.


Birgitta Trotzig's "A Landscape" depicted from the mythology of the sore human deaths from which the drug has been collected.


A documentary about Stefan Jarl's Mod-trilogy.

About changes in the Sami living conditions. Traditional remarking and untouched nature mixed with images of brutal industrialist attacks in the landscape.


The twelve-year-old Jåvna is the guide to the Sami everyday life. He talks about his culture and about his future as a reindeer herder. The film depicts the conflict between Swedish society and the Sámi world.
