Stefán Karl Stefánsson is the nation's social networking obsession - until a dorky teen stumbles over the webmaster's evil intentions.

A gay alien lands in the U.K.

A desperate city slicker engineer cheats his way into a small farming community, pretending to know how to save them by re-financing their slaughterhouse not knowing that he's walking into a local world war of small-town politics and general misbehaving.


Laddi leikur Jóhannes, myndlistarkennara sem upplifir dag sem ætlar engan endi að taka. Þessi ólukkudagur hefst á því að Jóhannes, af sannri riddaramennsku, stoppar fyrir ungri stúlku (Unnur Birna) í rigningu á Reykjanesbrautinni. Á vegi Jóhannesar verða ýmsir skrautlegir karakterar, bandbrjálaður öfundsjúkur kærasti, metnaðarfullur skólastjóri, óalandi unglingur og kostulegt lögregluþjónatvíeyki.


Things are upside-down in LazyTown. Stephanie, an optimistic girl with bright pink hair, comes to live in LazyTown and meets a zany mix of townspeople, including the world’s laziest super-villain, Robbie Rotten. Fortunately for Stephanie, LazyTown is also under the watchful eye of Sportacus, an athletic, super-active, slightly-above-average hero, who runs, jumps, flips and flies to the rescue in his futuristic AirShip. Sportacus always manages to save the day and to help the kids of LazyTown foil Robbie’s latest lazy schemes. The citizens of Lazytown learn the importance of things like eating right and exercising from the ultra-athletic superhero, Sportucus, who must stop the evil plots of Robbie Rotten, who hates physical activity, among other things.


Stella and Salomon run a business together, Salomon is hired by Anton Skúlason, pilot, to beautify and transform a village, that he owns. Stella stays in the town and starts teaching politicians how to act for the coming elections. By accident Stella gets involved with the Centrum party, the main rival of the Central party, and before she knows it she's head over heals in politics.


Regína er ósköp venjulega 10 ára stelpa í Reykjavík en uppgötvar dag einn að hún getur látið alls konar hluti gerast ef hún syngur um þá. Regína og Pétur vinur hennar taka saman höndum og hrinda af stað áætlun, sem varðar framtíð þeirra og foreldra þeirra. Þegar hinn óprúttni hárkollusölumaður Ívar dúkkar óvænt upp og flækir áætlanir barnanna, magnast spennan. Fyrr en varir eru börnin orðin aðalhetjurnar í spennandi en jafnframt spaugilegu glæpamáli.


2002's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.


Óli sees his sister take part in a matchboxcar rally, and has dreams of following in her footsteps.

Íþróttaálfurinn has managed to change the villagers' negative attitude towards sports, healthy food and all diligence. But when he leaves and the villagers have to manage on their own, they turn out to be very unstable and easily influenced by the criminal Glanni Glæpur, who turns up disguised as a very rich man. In fact, he has stolen the president's car and intends to corrupt the villagers so that he can sell them un-wholesome powder-food and become mayor of the town.


1999's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.


The inhabitants of a small island is attacked by weird outsiders.

1994's Áramótaskaup, an annual 50-minute TV movie, satirizing the events of the past year.


This fifth disc from the second series of Latabær contains two new episodes as well as a selection of music from the episodes. The first episode, "Unexpected Birthday Gift", tells the story of when Glanni builds a huge wall and divides Latabær in two so that the kids can no longer play together. Then the Sports Elf passes after he eats one of Glanni's sugar apples, so now good advice is expensive for the kids. The other episode "Best Friends" tells the story of Solla creating a nice playground for her friends, but Glanna manages to lure them away. Therefore, it is up to Solla to save them from Glanni and his plans. In addition to these episodes, there are 29 songs that have been heard in the episodes and you can sing along.

Robbie Rotten discovers the LazyTowners are having a Christmas party, and believing he wasn't invited, sets out to ruin the day with a giant snowball.