Steffen Will

Jonas works at the hand baggage screening at an airport. He is obsessed with preventing the next terrorist attack. But neither his colleagues, nor his boss appreciate his commitment…


Anja became a millionaire! This wife and mother won million euros on lottery and she decides for a smart investment. First step - getting her husband Uli off the couch. She hires a lawyer, who's in love with her, to buy an abandoned restaurant and employ Uli, a talented chef, giving him a second chance. Things go out of control when restaurant becomes very popular


Frank Lehmann, 20, still lives with his parents in the dreary high-rise housing project "Neue Vahr" in Bremen. It's the year 1980 and Frank gets drafted to the army even though his friends assure him that "he's not really the guy for it". When he gets back home, after his first week at the army, his Dad has turned his room into a TV repair shop, so Frank has to move out. Luckily his old friend Martin is starting a commune with two other Punks in Bremens leftist borough "Viertel". Frank, without further ado rents the unlivable walk-through room. From now on Frank is a traveler between the Worlds. Each week he goes from the Army, with all the unconditional rules and regulations to the commune where his friends are preaching the world revolution. Frank is trying to avoid to stick out, but fails miserably, in both worlds.


A world, as spotless, bleak and cold as its uniform design is not a good place for a dreamer like Lutz. With as much courage as desperation, relying only on his skills and imagination, he faces a terrible fate and fights for his personal happy end.
