Sten Elfström

Lasse and Maja find an old mysterious coffin that turns out to belong to the eccentric family von Broms. A centuries-old family fights flare up again and suddenly the coffin gets stolen. Who wants to steal it and why?


Set in a parallel universe, Real Humans imagines a world where robots have become so human that they're barely distinguishable from real humans and follows the resulting emotional effects on two families as well as the trials of a group of robots who have attained free will and want their freedom from human ownership.


The arrival of a new girl causes a stir in classroom social structure.


Kurt Wallander is thrown into a world he does not master - the computing world. An empty taxi found, heavily bloodstained and battered. Two young girls are taken in for questioning and admits murder of the taxi driver, but does not tell where the body is. The day after a man is found lying dead at an ATM with the bank statement in his hand. Two seemingly different cases, or do they have anything to do with each other? Kurt Wallander is trying to find answers, but he does not recognize himself - he feels unwell, dizzy and is forced to go to hospital.


Lotta is 27 years old and an office slave. She has absolutely no ambitions to advance, most of the time she sits and wait until the office hours is over. Then she gets promoted ...


Pistolteatern in Stockholm, Sweden, was a leading experimental scene in the mid 1960s, comparable to the Living Theater in New York. In the years 1964-67. Pistolteatern produced theatre plays, exhibitions and happenings at a very high pace. The name, Pistolteatern, comes from two of creators, PI Lind and STaffan OLzon.