Stéphane Crête

During a rigorous winter, André, an awkward plump teenager in full identity crisis, becomes the sole protector of his 9-month-old sister when Nuns' Island is put into quarantine after a virulent virus transforms the population into carnivorous beings dispossessed of all humanity.

The Gamache, tailors from father to son, have been dressing the Mafia family Paternò for three generation. Vincent "Vince" Gamache works on behalf of Frank the godfather with his eldest son Giaco. Vince, reckless and rash, seeks to earn his stripes by impressing the godfather. Without the Paternò knowing, he stages a big operation and is promoted. Fuming with jealousy, Giaco discovers that Vince committed a monstrous act during his stroke. The Gamache disown Vince and war begins.


Shot over a period of 7 years, a group of young suburban friends get together during summertimes. They wonder about their about their future, their ambitions and their love lives. We meet up with them 5 years later, then 1 year later. Flashwood, a story of a youth trying to find itself.


Fourteen-year old Juliette lives in the country with her father and her older brother. When Juliette was younger, her mother left the family to pursue her career in New York; from that moment, Juliette started to gain weight. Today, she’s not obese, but she’s clearly the heaviest girl at her high school. But that doesn’t stop her from being vivacious, funny and unrepentantly rebellious. Juliette has big dreams: she wants to throw the best parties, move to New York to live with her mother, and date the most gorgeous guy in her school, an older boy who is about to graduate. In short, she wants everything she can’t have—which sometimes makes her forget to appreciate those who really love her. We follow this brazen and endearing girl during her hectic last few weeks before summer vacation, and watch as she does some growing up—but not too much.


A rebellious poet befriends a woman and her son, leading him from the verge of self-destruction to the path of redemption.


Quebec, 1956. The impulsive and headstrong Nelly Maloye, a novice private eye, joins the methodical and pragmatic Simon Picard, a research scientist in a dubious quest to prove the existence of the elusive Yeti. The brave-hearted heroes come face-to-face with countless dangers during their trek through the heart of the Himalayas.


A well-respected plastic surgeon dedicated to helping patients with severe burns questions his career, his family…his perfect life and ultimately, his sanity when an encounter with a disgruntled patient triggers a psychological spiral no one can control.


In 1940s Montreal, a young man wrestles with his emotions for his domineering twin sister and his best friend's girlfriend.


Un paradis pour tous is a satirical comedy about tax evasion.


Twelve-year-old Simone feels painfully disconnected from the world after witnessing the brutal death of her mother. Simone, a solitary multimedia artist in her twenties, is struggling to control her crushing panic attacks and keep her day job in an underground parking lot. And Simone, a sixty-year-old physicist, is giving a conference on the nature of time. The three Simones' lives are intertwined in a labyrinthine meta-world where timeframes overlap, characters multiply, and storylines repeat and expand. But, for all its shuttling forward and back through time, ENDORPHINE remains grounded in the Simones' inner lives — it's an artistic examination of scientific phenomena that also poignantly explores how people deal with trauma.


The crew aboard the Romano Fafard spaceship continues their mission. Captain Patenaude and his acolytes land on planet: Crème hydratante pour le visage - soulage la peau sèche (moisturing cream for the face, soothes dry skin!) in hopes of finding the ship’s probe, accidentally crashed, that they must have in order to move the Earthlings. Their search is in vain, but it leads them to the tyrannical Governor Supreme who rules the planet. Just when the governor is about to tell them where to find a new probe, there’s a terrible explosion. Will the captain and the Romano Fafard find a liveable planet where they can move six billion Earthlings? And if so, when?


"Les étoiles filantes" is the story of two friends in their late thirties whose lives have taken very different paths. Twenty years after their band broke up and all dreams of that elusive recording contract had faded away, the two men meet up once again. They now live in very different worlds, worlds that are destined to clash from the moment that the incorrigible, free-spirited Daniel turns up on Jacques the math teacher’s doorstep. Daniel calmly tells his old friend that he has only six months left to live. The nomad parks his trailer in Jacques’ yard and proceeds to carve himself a place in the household’s well organized routine. However, he mischievously makes the most of every opportunity to shake up the family’s tidy world. This series tells a tale of friendship – albeit a frequently strained one – where values of stability and freedom humorously polarize and keep us smiling throughout.


The movie chronicles the long, futuristic voyage of a team of Québécois space explorers looking for a planet capable of sustaining life, in the year 2034, after the destruction of the ozone layer through excessive human pollution, prompting the need for a new planet to welcome humankind. The seven crew members venture outside their own galaxy to explore other star system in search of a new planet large enough to sustain 6 billion people. The few habitable planets encountered are ultimately abandoned either because they are already occupied (emphasizing the wrongdoing of invading other civilizations and cultures), or because upon closer inspection they are found to have other problems (cow-sized mosquitoes, high radiation levels, dog overpopulation, unsuitable living environment, ...).


An unhappy, silent man journeys through a constantly shifting mediascape in search of something we never discover. Transylvanian moonscapes, Baroque parties and fraternity joyrides constitute just a fragment of his dizzying journey. Is this unnamed character searching for a way in, or a way out of the shifting and overwhelming history which whirls about him?

Christophe agrees to be filmed by his roommate Stéphane, while he is searching for a meaningful engineering job. Since he voluntarily resigned his job when he was to be moved to quality control, he does not get unemployment benefits, and goes to classes on how to contest the decision.


Captain Charles Patenaude and his crew leave Earth aboard the Romano Fafard in search of a planet that can accommodate the entire population of Earthlings.


Through an immigrant cab driver, our world collides with a nervous filmmaker, a lawyer whose new breasts her ex-boyfriend wants to see, a mystery man, a gay man who might or might not have AIDS, and a birthday girl who got stood up. It is a mixture of laughter and sadness, all floating on a sea of philosophy.


The solitude of a mime in fall. Classical and pornographic.
