Stephanie Herrera

Up-and-coming men’s fashion designer, Rachel Rocca, lands a spot in a competition to design a tuxedo for one of the city’s most eligible bachelors, Brett Stone, for a Christmas Charity Gala and Auction. As Rachel begins to unthread his well spun public image, she discovers the true reason behind his Christmas charity, and they find themselves falling in love.

Ella returns to her hometown to mend fences with her fractured family. With the help of Griffin, her ex-boyfriend, she encourages her family to celebrate Christmas and Kwanzaa and to heal their past wounds before it’s too late.

FAK YAASS is a series that tells the 'true' story of Nico Nicolakis' big Greek family and their journey of accepting Nico no matter his sexuality. Showing the clash between old tradition and the new age, millennial Nico struggles with the idea of returning home, somewhere he's always felt judged and unworthy. With the help of his friends, Anton and Jill, we'll watch as Nico's heart begins to let his family in and we'll see his family accept him for who he is, until a secret family scheme may ruin that forever.


A group of visionaries and students return to the abandoned Milan Expo, to reimagine the site as a global village.


In the first hour of the two-part back-to-back special, Colleen Stan: The Girl in the Box, kidnapping survivor Colleen Stan tells the story of her seven-year ordeal. Abducted by a sadistic predator and his wife, she was brainwashed, tortured, and largely confined to a coffin-size box. From the very spot where she was first picked up, Colleen provides a riveting first-hand account. She explains how a slavery contract prevented her from running, and how mind control prevented her from going to police even once she was free. In the second hour learn how Colleen embraces freedom, but no matter how much she wants to move on, the past won't go away. When she eventually took the stand at her abductor's trial, she found herself portrayed as a willing participant. Evil may cast a long shadow, but faith and family ultimately allowed Colleen to reclaim her identity and find her mission.


Six-year-old Sarah is an entrepreneur in a lucrative industry — she pulls teeth for The Tooth Fairy.