Stephanie Kellner

Lena's father works as a developer in Hitler's high-tech forge, where the famous unit receiver E1 was developed. When he dies in 1945, he leaves a notebook with the name Sattler. He should look for Lena. Lena is stranded with her seriously ill mother Hilde and her sister Betty in a village near Fürth. Here she meets two men: Walter Juskowiak, returnees from prisoner of war, with whom she meets, and Hans Sattler. The representative for radio kits turns out to be the son of Wilhelm Sattler, owner of the Sattler works in Fürth. Lena is sure to have finally found the right man.


Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him


Based on the actual case of Marianne Bachmeier from 1981, the film tells the story of a mother who in a calm and determined manner shoots the murderer of her daughter seven times in the court room.The man dies at the crime scene. The media jumps at this tragedy and Bachmeier′s action is even spontaneously applauded by some. But soon, the attractive woman is cast under a pall when the media starts to look for "disclosing" details from her private life.
