Steve Lundquist

After being busted out of jail by his tomatoes, Professor Mortimer Gangrene begins a new plot to take over the world by inserting his hapless lackey Igor into the throne of the King of France.


Police assitant Boyle along with tomatologist Kennedi Johnson look into investigations about Killer Tomato attacks, and discover Gangrene plans to brainwash people via TV talk shows to take over the world! Will Gangrene be stopped? Will Johnson become part of a Bacon, Lettuce and Human sandwich?


Jason (David Naughton) moves into an abandoned train car where he resurrects the vicious ghost of his landlady's dead husband... The Mister. After some near-fatal encounters with the violent specter he seeks local exorcist Vincent Tuttle (Kevin McCarthy).


Crazy old Professor Gangreen has developed a way to make tomatoes look human for a second invasion.
