Stine Schrøder Jensen

Eva, a recently divorced, single mom, goes away for a weekend at a spa with her childhood friend Marlene to help her get through her midlife crisis. Isabella, the new girlfriend of Eva's ex-husband, has also joined the trip and is trying hard to become Marlene's new best friend. Eva's friendship with Marlene is at risk, as the women reveal their worst sides during an unfortunate Brazilian wax, a failed pheasant hunt and other trials. The question is: Can Eva fix things between her and Marlene, build a healthy relationship with Isabella and still save her son's birthday?


A small group of eccentric pioneers join forces, in order to do the impossible and create world history in the early 1980s of Denmark


'The Renion' is a new Danish comedy starring Troels Lyby, Nicolaj Copernicus and Anders W. Berthelsen. The three highschool friends Niels (Nicolaj Copernicus), Andreas (Anders W. Berthelsen) and Thomas (Troels Lyby) are invited to their 25 years anniversary. While Niels and Andrew struggles with not feeling like participating, Thomas is of a different opinion. Having arranged an all-time weekend of drinks, ladies and blowing off steam! The big question is: Will they actually survive the Copenhagen nightlife ... and will they even get to the reunion?. 'The Reunion' is a Danish comedy about old friends, that realises, at some point they are going to grow up and have to behave as adults... AS IF!


A psychological drama about Ulrich, a workaholic whose life takes a drastic turn when he is involved in a fatal accident. As his guilt grows, his life slowly crumbles around him. Next, an unpleasant event from his past rears its unforgiving head.


Jørgen lives abroad, but every summer he comes back to Denmark with his wife. He invites, as usual, his neighbours and their teenager son,Thomas, for dinner at his place. Only, this time there is a strange tension in the air between the adults. After dinner, Jørgen and Thomas go to the beach for a walk. They discover that both have secret problems, and the fact they cannot talk about them is creating great stress. As they disclose their secrets to each other, a friendship starts. But through the course of the next two summers their relationship develops in a way they would never have expected.
