Stuart Cabb

Sir Trevor McDonald returns to Indiana State Prison's Death Row five years after his first gruelling visit. Reuniting with the men convicted of heinous crimes and meeting some new ones too, he discovers how the intervening years have impacted them.

James May is out to prove why traditional, old fashioned toys are still relevant today when he pushes them to the limit in spectacular, supersize challenges.


For two weeks, Theroux visits the San Quentin State Prison.


Louis Theroux: Under the Knife is a TV documentary written and presented by Louis Theroux about the people and doctors involved in plastic surgery operations. Filmed mostly in the USA, in the programme, Louis himself ends up getting liposuction.


Louis heads to Las Vegas, to reveal the world behind the myths of casino culture. Among the people he meets are two of the casino's 'high-rollers' and an employee who looks after them as well as a retired doctor who says she has gambled away $4million in seven years.


Louis Theroux travels to California to meet the man dubbed "the most dangerous racist in America"; Tom Metzger. Louis meets him, his family and his publicity manager as well as following him to skinhead rallies and on a visit to Mexico.
