Sue Vanner

A man taking the train to work one morning is overcome by melancholy memories and morbid fantasies.


It is the mid-1980s. The economy has not improved. For 17 years Professor Frank Merrick has been ensconced in a research lab of a provincial university working on a cure for the common cold. He is very near success. Can he avoid becoming yet another victim of the eternal cutbacks?

An international terrorist has New York in a grip of panic and it's up to Det. Sgt. Deke DaSilva to take him down.


A notable opera singer tries to commit suicide because of a emotional breakdown. While hospitalized in a psychiatric clinic, her daughter cautiously approaches the man she considers to be the blame for the state of her mother in order to gain her revenge.


Russian and British submarines with nuclear missiles on board both vanish from sight without a trace. England and Russia both blame each other as James Bond tries to solve the riddle of the disappearing ships. But the KGB also has an agent on the case.


Joe North is a London taxi driver who manages to get himself into any number of sexual situations with various women.
