Şükriye Atav

Directed by Basar Sabuncu.


The film depicts a platonic love story. Müslüm is a popular singer, who shares his wealthy income with poor people. An old friend of Müslüm commits suicide because he got in trouble with his gambling habits. The beautiful daughter of this man is entrustet to Müslüm by him as his legacy.


Halil is a teenage boy, son of a poor porter, and sees him dying when serving a man without compassion. Halil keeps on with father's work, to pay for his younger brother and their old mother food and shelter in a slum. Then, the horse that pulled the chariot dies, and Khalil goes on, taking the animal's place. A rich man tries to kill another, and pays Halil to pick up the revolver, and take the blame - going to prison instead of him. Halil accepts, and takes the money to his mother. In prison, Halil grows up as a rowdy man. Later, fate will bring the two brothers together, but in opposite sides of the law: Halil is a paid assassin, and his brother is a public prosecutor. When the Mafia pays Halil to kill his own brother, he refuses - and the Mafia retaliates by killing his wife. Halil vows to revenge her.


Azap is a Turkish cinema film directed by Turkan Soray


The film tells the story of a mother trying to get her sick son operated. Working as a worker in a confection, Melek lives with her son Tayfun. However, Tayfun is sick and needs surgery in Europe. Melek tries to find money for her son's surgery. The hand returns emptyly from all the knobs. As a last resort, Tayfun considers giving adoption to the rich businessman Hakan. By making a plan, he ensures that Hakan adopts Tayfun. A love will begin between Melek and Hakan, who strive for the healing of Tayfun.


O.K. so the serious bad-ass badman Firat can not have this gorgeous blonde with huge hair and equally huge false eyelashes not because he is a bad-ass outlaw that she will have to worry about reading his obituary every day. They can not consummate their passions because... now brace yourself, because Firat's badman partners won't allow him (Firat is the top crime dog) to have a girl friend.


Duygu Sagiroglu, known as an art director, depicts the class conflict and exposes the injustice and contradictions of the modern Turkish life. Yilmaz Güney confirms his acting qualities with a pathetic composition.


First Turkish film about Nasreddin Hodja. On wedding day one of the guests tells the jokes when the circumcised child asks Nasreddin Hodja anecdotes.