Suzy Carrier

Georges, hunted by the Germans, had taken refuge with his brother, Commissioner PJ Paris. Once released, he teams up for the sake of a girl with the lackluster Zattore. A bank is robbed, but the police is fast and Georges will either lose his life.


A resistance leader is wounded when the Germans raid his underground print shop. He escapes to the home of a German-friendly Parisian and is helped by her son and daughter. A Jewish doctor also aids him. They all join him in his efforts against the Nazis and derail a munitions train.

A penniless private tutor is hired by a wealthy family in Provence. The brat is a reluctant pupil, but Michel, without any magic power, turns out to be a wonderful teacher and he wins them all over,not only the student but everyone, from the grumpy dowager to the clueless gorgeous blonde girl. But the best is yet to come:the boy's mother -a married woman- falls in love with the newcomer. And she becomes jealous of her young blonde goddaughter who has a romance with Michel


For 15 years after Waterloo, a baron refuses to accept the defeat. He reluctantly marries one of 2 Bourbon sisters but lands up dueling with the wife's former lover. Finally he gets a chance to prove himself again in battle.
