Suzy Vernon

Joan Of Arc has just released Orléans (1429)but the English are still here to stay . The fortress of Châteauneuf is hold by Lord Pickwickdam


This French film confection directed by Henry Roussell concerns two young Parisian beauties in love with same fellow (Fernand Fabre). When one of the girls (Suzy Vernon) goes to America, the one who stays home (Esther Kiss) thinks shes triumphed. But when the traveler returns and the guy goes for her new-found sophistication, the competition continues- including the hilariously mock-heroic duel we see in this four-sheet design.

"Guilty" - Thomas Feld returns home after 16 years in prison to find his wife Magda and daughter Maria fell in the hands of Peter Cornelius, the owner of a cabaret. Lawyer Frank Peters falls in love with Maria.

"The Secret Power" - Hardly anyone who strays into the emigrant's restaurant "Strange Bird" would suspect that the porter once was a general, the waiter a prince and the cook an admiral, and that the lady at the bar is actually the princess Sinaide forced was leaving their home.

"Girls for Sale!" - White slavers lure young girls to Rio de Janeiro by promising them jobs as showgirls and nightclub singers, then force them into prostitution.

A massive 5 1/2 hour biopic of Napoleon, tracing his career from his schooldays (where a snowball fight is staged like a military campaign), his flight from Corsica, through the French Revolution (where a real storm is intercut with a political storm) and the Terror, culminating in his triumphant invasion of Italy in 1797 (the film stops there because it was intended to be part one of six, but director Abel Gance never raised the money to make the other five). The film's legendary reputation is due to the astonishing range of techniques that Gance uses to tell his story, culminating in the final twenty-minute triptych sequence, which alternates widescreen panoramas with complex multiple- image montages projected simultaneously on three screens.


A young boy living in the Swiss Alps struggles to come to terms with his mother's death and his father's remarriage which brings a new mother and step-sister into his family.
