Sven Henriksen

Oslo in beautiful autumn. Ingvild is a stage manager at the National Theatre, and trying to make a life change, with her artistic ambitions. Not liking actors, she still manages to get into two very different affairs.


Dunderland Valley, 1695. A young maiden is accused of witchcraft. Her persecutors end her life in the bottomless pits of the Djupkista Waters. In the years to follow, numerous horrendous events and tragedies strike the valley. In 2011, the young, aspiring theater director Laura arrives in the valley with an ensemble of Norway’s premier actors. They are soon made aware of the valley's dark and bloody history. Then the star actor disappears.


Religious and cultural reawakening inspires rebellion in a 19th century Norwegian village.


A story from the wilderness, where conditions of survival challenge the rules of modern society, Wolf is a contemporary drama set in northern Scandinavia. Klemens (Peter Stormare) and Nejla (Robin Lundberg) own a small herd of reindeer. Klemens lives in tune with nature and according to the rhythm dictated by his work. His young nephew, Nejla admires him and wants to follow in his footsteps. But neither his mother nor society will allow that to happen. The herd is attacked and they react without regard for the law. A well aimed stroke of the axe puts relationships to the test. What are the consequences and who will take the blame?
