Sven Hugo Borg

After their service in the Civil War, four brothers go their separate ways, but later find themselves on opposite sides of a final showdown.


A little girl enlists the aid of an attorney to obtain a divorce from her parents. Breezy B comedy was loosely remade as Irreconcilable Differences.


In this John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short, narrator John Nesbitt tells the story of Scandinavian immigrant Annie Swenson, who worked as cook and housekeeper in his family's home while he was growing up.


US art dealer returns to his native Germany for a visit and is attracted by Nazi propaganda.


A honeymooning couple in Europe is asked to spy on the Nazis for the British intelligence in pre-war Europe. Initially finding the mission fun the trail gets them in real danger soon.


Lieutenant Joe Rossi is 1st Officer on a Liberty Ship in a great convoy bound from Halifax to Murmansk. After German subs crushed the convoy his ship loses the convoy and is heading alone to Murmansk. In spite of attacks by German planes and subs he get the ship safely to Murmansk.


Based on a true incident that occurred in 1942 when nine Nazi saboteurs were put ashore on the coast of Long Island, New York, by submarine, with orders to blow up various defense installations.


Somewhere in Europe, in a city occupied by the Nazis, a gentle school teacher finds himself torn between collaboration and resistance, cowardice and courage.


The British Commandos send Bob Owen (Lyle Talbot) to Norway to prepare for a raid. His mission also includes freeing General Heden (Paul Baratoff) who is being held by the Nazis. His aides include Eric Falken (George Nesie) and Harry (Charles Rogers). Inga (June Duprez), a Norwegian girl to whom Falken was once engaged but who has become the sweetheart of Oberst Von Ritter (Victor Varconi), betrays their hiding place. The three overpower the Gestapo men sent after them, take their uniforms and enter the prison camp and free Heden. The four men then start for the coast to meet the Commando expedition. Inga, who the men still trust, again informs von Ritter and Falken is captured but Bob and Harry escape with the aid of Dalberg, who they thought was a Quisling stooge.


Adolf Hitler, Benito and Suki Yaki are placed in a series of Three-Stooges routines, with the premise that the Board of Directors of Hell has put the Devil on notice they intend to replace him with Adolf Hitler unless he can get Hitler to commit a good deed. The devil has his work cut out for him, and doesn't appear likely to escape being replaced by the German leader.


British hunter Thorndike vacationing in Bavaria has Hitler in his gun sight. He is captured, beaten, left for dead, and escapes back to London where he is hounded by German agents and aided by a young woman.


A doctor tries to rescue a young innocent from Nazi agents.


Dave Crockett (Bill Elliott) comes to the aid of ranchers living on the Yucca Strip, who want their area made part of the United States. A greedy land baron, however, wants the property as his own.


PRC Pictures' final 1941 release, Law of the Timber was based on a story by North Woods specialist James Oliver Curwood.


When her father dies, a young girl helps a young man take command of the ship to fight the British during the war of 1812.


June McCarthy has unwittingly aided an undercover Nazi naval officer with acquiring a "mother ship" for German submarines in the Atlantic.


Nellie Kelly, the daughter of Irish immigrants, patches up differences between her father and maternal grandfather while rising to the top on Broadway.


An American reporter smuggling news out of Soviet Moscow is blackmailed into helping a beautiful Communist leave the country.


When Barry Corvall discovers that his new bride is a possible enemy agent, he resigns from the diplomatic service to go undercover to route out an espionage ring planning to destroy American industrial capability.


The otherwise standard Ken Maynard western Death Rides the Range is distinguished somewhat by a topical slant. The plot concerns a group of spies from an unnamed foreign country (gee, they sure sound German) who head westward to undermine American morale. Into this malaise wanders Maynard, supposedly a rootless cowpoke but in reality an FBI agent. Things begin to heat up when the villains lay claim to a helium well on the property owned by heroine Fay McKenzie. The film's silliest moment occurs in mid-stream, when chief villain Charlie King begins beating up everyone within arm's length, with nary a scratch on his own person.


Action-filled drama about a ship captain, ashamed of his background in the slave trade, forced against his will to again transport human cargo.


Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.


A doctor has a rough time obtaining the money for his services in a lumber town until he delivers quintuplets.


While a ship captain is at sea dealing with a mutiny among his crew, his wife is at home having an affair with his best friend.


King Richard the Lionhearted launches a crusade to preserve Christianity in Jerusalem.


A carnival girl pretends to be Swedish in order to win a movie role.


Sergeant Malone of the Mounties and effeminate Etienne Doray are both in love with Rose-Marie, but she doesn't light up until soldier of fortune Jim Kenyon drifts into the post. Soon Jim is accused of murder but he escapes. To save him Rose-marie agrees to marry influential Etienne. Meanwhile, Malone is chasing the real murderer Black Bastien. Malone is killed, Black escapes and Jim is exonerated.
