Sylvain Baumann

This film is a sequel to “Listen to the Voices of the Sea” (2019) the first work in art video, based on a diary of a Japanese kamikaze pilot, Hachiro Sasaki. Kamikaze means wind of God in Japanese. During WW2 Japanese pilots attacked American aircraft carriers and army ships by dive-bombing their airplanes. For the realization of the second project, I transcribed a part of the diary of another kamikaze soldier from southern Japan, Norimitsu Takushima. By putting in his place a fictional French character, Noé Teissier, this translation sits in a broader contemporary context. The film ultimately reflects relationships to life, to death, to love speaking towards the universal experiences of any soldier.

Based on Pauline Guéna’s novel 18.3. Une année à la PJ, there comes a day when he is assigned a case that hurts him more than the others, without him necessarily knowing why. It begins to spin in his head to the point of obsession. For Yohan, who has just been named squad leader in the Criminal Brigade in Grenoble, that case is the murder of Clara. For his investigation, Yohan teams up with a certain Marceau