Sylvie Joly

Camille returns from a business trip. Young and rich heiress of a cosmetics company, Cosmos, which she has taken over since the death of her father, she discovers that Vincent, the man who shares his life, took advantage of his absence to leave and move his business without even leaving him a word of farewell. Determined to win back her former lover, she finds an unexpected ally in the person of Zac, Lena's betrayed fiancé, whom she met fortuitously at the Bois de Boulogne, while both were in the process of to spy on their ex. Zac is a broke writer, lacking inspiration: they make common cause to recover their lost loves ...


A group of travelers, including a monk, stay in a lonely inn in the mountains. The host confesses the monk his habit of serving poisoned soup to the guests, to rob their possessions and to bury them in the backyard. The story unfolds as the monk tries to save the guest's lives without violating the holy secrecy of the confession.


Best of de ses spectacles, enregistré au Casino de Paris en 2001.

Such an inconsequential event - the unfortunate purchase of a package of cling film - reveals the character and behavior of a small group of individuals caught up in the chaos of today's society. Though it creates arguments and inner questioning, this event - and its various consequences - also creates bonds.


The sequel to The Visitors reunites us with those lovable ruffians from the French Medieval ages who - through magic - are transported into the present, with often drastic consequences. Godefroy de Montmirail travels to today to recover the missing family jewels and a sacred relic, guarantor of his wife-to-be's fertility. The confrontation between Godefroy's repellent servant Jack the Crack and his descendent, the effete Jacquart, present-day owner of the chateau, further complicates the matter.


A former schoolteacher turned film distributor, Jean-Pierre Jackson made his directorial debut with this French comedy about two losers. When alimony payments catch up with Felix (Philippe Chevaillier), his furniture is seized. After a decade-long marriage, Raoul (Regis Laspales) leaves his wife. The two team for a job with Le Gai Vendangeur (The Jolly Vintner) as sales reps, but they score zero while tooling around Brittany in a silly station wagon decorated with an immense wine bottle atop the vehicle's roof. However, when they're joined by friendly, sexy Eliane (Cecile Bois), sales surge. The wine pours, and so does the money. Life is sweet, but it all turns sour when an affair begins between Felix and Eliane, much to Raoul's regret.


Pierre Cohen, a sophisticated Parisian psychologist, goes to his brother's farm in order to protect it from very hostile local landowners.


Pierrot, a short-sighted, indolent and distracted young boy gets involved in a carnival at the Palais de la Rigolade whose main attraction is to place the women in an ascending current of air which makes their skirts fly. A fight in this Palace makes him lose his job. Then he meets Yvonne, the daughter of Pradonet, the owner of the funfair. He falls in love with Yvonne who hardly seems to share his feelings.

Solange is depressed: she's stopped smiling, she eats little, she says less. She has fainting fits. Her husband Raoul seeks to save her by enlisting Stephane, a stranger, to be her lover. Although he listens to Mozart and has every Pocket Book arranged in alphabetical order, Stephane fails to cheer Solange. She knits. She does housework. Everyone, including their neighbor a vegetable vendor, agrees that she needs a child, yet she fails to get pregnant by either lover. The three take a job running a kids' summer camp where they meet Christian, the precocious 13-year-old son of the local factory manager. It is Christian who restores Solange to laughter


Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.


Two whimsical, aimless thugs harass and assault women, steal, murder, and alternately charm, fight, or sprint their way out of trouble. They take whatever the bourgeoisie holds dear, whether it’s cars, peace of mind, or daughters. Marie-Ange, a jaded, passive hairdresser, joins them as lover, cook, and mother confessor. She’s on her own search for seemingly unattainable sexual pleasure.


Marcello Mastrioanni stars as an aging actor whose career has dwindled to TV commercials. Seeking an anchor in his life, Mastrioanni attempts a reconciliation with his ex-wife. But in this, as in his professional life, Mastrioanni is doomed to disillusionment and failure.
