Sylvie Potvin

A few years after they infiltrated a therapy program for fathers and sons, Marc Laroche is having some issues with his girlfriend Alice and Jacques is experiencing intense denial towards the fact that he is growing older. An incredible opportunity arises when Martin Germain, the lieutenant of the Mafia’s leader, and his girlfriend sign up for a bootcamp for couples. As Marc and Alice sign up for the therapy, Jacques invites himself in by pretending to be the psychologist's assistant.


Aurelie Laflamme feels alone in the world, especially since her father's death five years ago. What if her father had been an alien who left Earth to return to his own planet? In that case, Aurelie would be an alien too. That would explain many things such as why she feels different from others, especially her mother, why she can't string two words together without making a mistake, and why boys really get on her nerves. Through the pages of her diary, Aurelie confides her joys and sorrows, successes and failures, love and friendships, and tries to find her place.


All the vampires have to take a special potion made by Ghyslain Chabot to be human. Chabot's wife isn't a vampire yet but wishes to become one. Ghyslain doesn't share her desire because of all the rules and responsibilities inherent in being a vampire. As a result, Ghyslain's wife throws him out of the house without the potion.


Legal scholar, jurist, and human rights advocate John Humphrey drafts the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Two harum-scarums who think they are good stand-up comics try to make a career in showbiz, partly for the career, partly to seduce women. They try alternatively the scene, a movie set and TV. They only succeed in making a fool of themselves


A paraplegic is determined to rebuild her life on her own.


L'Amour avec un Grand A is a French-Canadian television series which aired from 1988 to 1995. The series explores different complex sexual and taboo issues. Some notable subjects include: Rape, Teen Obsession, Age Difference in love, Homosexuality and Married, Schizophrenia, Spousal Abuse. The series lasted 7 years and was very popular in Quebec. It was written by Janette Bertrand.
