Syn DeVil

Howard and Nicopernicus take a trip back to Nilbog to contend with zombies, vampires, and the dreaded Dr. Nochas in this sequel to Alucard and Shadow Hunters director John Johnson's outrageous horror comedy. There's blood and boobs to spare as the viewer crosses back into the town where nightmares are made, and characters break into song after soiling themselves.


Further hijinx from the creatures, aliens and hangers-on introduced in Super Hell.


Stressed out hotel employee Aaron is called into work on his day off to help staff a horror convention only to walk into a murderous frenzy.


A young witch gathers her coven to methodically fulfill her uncle's demands to help resurrect a demon lover from centuries past. Believing that she has completed her tasks she waits for the resurrection and her eternal rewards only to find neither are really what she expected. The resurrected lover is not exactly the beautiful woman her uncle talked of in years past and the rewards her uncle had in mind for her are not made of a princes' fairy tales. The young witch finds the real truth of the "Blood Lengend".


Over a century ago Pirate's Point was overrun by pirates, led by Abraham LeVoy, who became known as Pirate Death. He looted from the town, slaughtering over 150 men, women and children and then hid the treasure. To this day the vile putrid stench of Pirate Death can be smelled as he roams Pirate's Point protecting the precious treasure. Unaware of the terrifying and tortuous nature of Pirate Death, a group of college students researching their "pirate" heritage decide to locate the hidden treasure of Pirate Death. Will anyone survive the Curse of Pirate Death? - Written by Brain Damage Films


The 8th Plague is the story of a woman named Launa who is investigating the disappearance of her sister, Nikki. Nikki had gone camping in the mountain town of Halcyon Springs and never came back. Becoming more and more frustrated, Launa realizes that she must find her sister on her own with the help of Mason, a mysterious local man with a shadowed past.


The Year is 2027. A robot pest controller turned serial killer has embarked on a murderous rampage, carving his way through the population of Atro City. Following in the wake of his destruction are a tough robot homicide detective and a sinister robot psychiatrist. Their investigation will take them on a terrifying journey into a twisted technological nightmare, more terrifying than you can ever imagine.


A murderous coven of witches open a sexy strip club to lure in unsuspecting sacrifice victims in this erotic tale of terror from genre specialist Jeff Leroy. As Halloween draws near, a coven of witches must claim the heads of 666 victims in order to usher in the arrival of the Dark Lord and maintain their evil power. With only days to go before their deadline arrives, the satanic sirens open the "Sin and Skin" gentlemen's club in hopes of reaching their goal and achieving ultimate power. As the clueless victims are lured to the witches' lavish mansion and offered one final meal, their dark goal comes ever closer to being fully realized. On this night, though, the evil coven has underestimated the determination of their dinner guest to see another sunrise, and before the night is over these witches are in for one hell of a deadly surprise


A schizophrenic believes that God tells him to kill.


A number of supernatural creatures and space aliens create a disruptive atmosphere. Some humans and their living-dead companions are confused by it all.


These sexy sirens bring a whole new meaning to "Ladies of the Night" as they lure victim after victim to their website. Utilizing the web to entice victims to their lair, they seductively work their beauty and their bodies to fulfill an unholy desire to feed on human blood! Once the kinky fun begins, the sisters bare their fangs and the feeding frenzy begins! After these sensual bloodsuckers are finished, they drag the bodies to a hideous creature they keep locked in their shed. As the Missing Persons pile up, two undercover vice squad detectives pose as a kinky couple to infiltrate the Vampire Sisters' home. A chilling battle between the sisters and the undercover cops leads to a mind-blowing finally climax; Iggy -- the creature in the shed -- is finally released


The wealthy Edgar dies while having sex with his predatory and insatiable pleasure seeking wife Vivian. Vivian meets Edgar's niece and heir April at the funeral for Edgar. Vivian inducts the lovely April into her decadent world of potent pills and hedonistic Sapphic fornication.


When drop-dead gorgeous lesbian vampire Monique moves into the neighborhood and starts seducing every female she sees it is up to Chip the cable guy and two detectives to stop the fanged femme-fatale.


A tortured painted (played by director Lind) slowly loses his grip on sanity after his model girlfriend (Debbie Rochon) is lured to the dark side by a seductive female demon (Syn Devil).

Two teams of sexy women square off in the second softcore parody of the Survivor reality show.


Imagine a parallel earth where vampires have cut a swath through humanity. The disease is so bad, the ravenous bloodsuckers begin feeding on each other. Three surviving humans create a jump gate to our earth. But, Alyssa, Queen of the Vampires, and her evil bodyguards use the gate to come to our earth as well. They arrive to feed and breed. Now, the number of vampires here is growing and the humans are running out of time!
