T.J. Morrison

New inmate Rainbow has just been imprisoned for a year for his part in a fight over his girlfriend Wendy. After being assigned to kitchen duty, he becomes involved in a food-trading racket. When the scheme is betrayed to the prison's governor, its prime mover is threatened with an extended sentence - unless Rainbow can come up with a way to save him.


A group of army personnel and nurses attempt a dangerous and arduous trek across the deserts of North Africa during the second world war. The leader of the team dreams of his ice cold beer when he reaches Alexandria.


Based on Una Troy’s charming novel, We Are Seven (1955), She Didn’t Say No! depicts the Monaghan family, six children and their unmarried mother Bridget, living in the town of Doon, County Waterford. The children’s various fathers are local men – who uneasily attempt to find a way to rid the town of their embarrassment. The scheme begins with a court case to have the children removed from their “immoral” mother and ends with hopes of re-locating the family. The children are a central focus of the film – from the youngest, Toughy – a blustery boy and his acts of independence and bravado, to Poppy – a twelve year old star-struck girl, who cleverly manipulates herself into a locally-made film.


When HMS Scotia pays a visit to the French Riviera, the officers throw a lavish party to celebrate the engagement of Captain Robert Randall to Jill Eaton, a charming American girl; among the guests are Mary Carlton, Jill's American friend, and Antoinette, a vivacious redhead. However, when the last shore-boat is deemed unseaworthy, the girls are obliged to spend the night on ship. A series of hilarious complications ensue, as the officers attempt to keep the girls away from the beady eyes of Admiral Hewitt – who chooses this very night to board the Scotia.


An American insurance investigator is sent to Rhodesia to investigate the mysterious death of a diamond broker who drowned whilst diving off the coast. The broker was insured for $1 million so the insurers are suspicious.


A young woman leaves her backwards hometown to go to London to find a runaway suitor. What she doesn't know is that she has inherited a strange ability; if she's in the vicinity of a machine for more than fifteen minutes, it stops working.


A handsome young master at a boys school incurs the jealousy of an embittered colleague. From the novel by Hugh Walpole.


Four people with very different backgrounds meet by chance at an English pub and gradually become carried away in a bout of thrill-seeking. When their spree gets out of hand, each person faces a moral choice with lasting consequences.


Comedy of a family trying to spend a country weekend which is disrupted by an unpleasant friend of the son.
