Tabetha Ray

Origin story of Ken the Specialist prior to meeting Phantom Faye and Kayla the Centurion.


A tense nonstop roller-coaster ride through the distorted mind of Sly Stone, a sadistic and brutal killer who distorts the scriptures to suit his own self serving madness. He's teamed up with a run-away drifter Annie Parker who bows to his every command... both for love and for fear of her own life. " I have the Bullets For Jesus " is Slys motto, and NO ONE is safe from his twisted pulpit.


Deep in the Pennsylvania hills, a cemetery for those who died during exorcism remains a dark secret for the church. In 1671, hundreds of men, women, and children suffered in bloody, torturous rituals at the hands of priests unable to contain the evil of the possessed. Were these possessions real, or is the story a hoax to cover up the sins of the deranged priests thirsty for human blood? Bill and his team of cynical paranormal investigators plan to find out the truth. Armed with the church's historical record, they set out into the wilderness to uncover this series of forgotten atrocities. Alternately gut-punching hilarious and brutally violent, The Cemetery takes the best elements of the old-school slasher film and pushes them to the edge.


Adventure begins when characters are shown in the water sport.

The impressive directorial debut of actor Anna Chazelle (LA-LA LAND, FIRST MAN), who also stars, NARROW (World Premiere) is a tense sci-fi/horror thriller set against a recently annihilated world, replete with monsters both figurative and very much literal.
