Tadeusz Fijewski

A ruminative, understated drama on the nature of overwork versus an "unachieving" life away from the city, Pelnia examines the experience of one man. After leaving his high-pressured existence as a successful architect, the newly resolved dropout goes to live in a small community of cabins and summer homes in a lake-filled region north of Warsaw. His interactions with the villagers, including a drunkard and other eccentrics, provide an informative background for what happens next. The ex-architect's wife is a professional singer who has not abandoned the city or her life -- and she soon arrives to spend some time with her very changed husband.


Nights and Days is a family saga of Barbara Ostrzenska-Niechcic, (played by Jadwiga Baranska) and Bogumil Niechcic, (played by Jerzy Binczycki) against the backdrop of the January Uprising of 1863 and World War I. The film is a rather straightforward and faithful adaptation of a novel by Maria Dabrowska with the same title. The plot is woven around the changing fortunes of a noble (upper-class) Niechcic family in the pre-WWI Poland. There are two main crossing threads: a social history one and an existential one. The cinematographic version is a condensation of the 12 part award winning TV serial of the same title and using the same cast and producers.


The days of antifascist fight are over. In an orphanage for gifted children lives Milcho. The music helps him to escape from the real world to the world of memories. He remembers the days that the police officer arrested his mother for hiding a fugitive. A bright mark has left people that Milcho met, looking for his mother: the good old musician, the gypsy Shukri - raw natural talent, the beautiful Mila, and the Poet. They help Milcho to live through his pain. A piano concert of Brahms is playing by the young artist.


Anna tries to prevent her husband suffering from tuberculosis.


Set in the 19th century Warsaw. The indolence of aristocrats who, secure with their pensions, are too lazy to undertake new business risks, frustrates Wokulski. His ability to make money is respected but his lack of family and social rank is condescended to. Because of his "help" (in secret) to "the doll's" impecunious but influential father, the girl becomes aware of his affection.


This drama follows a lawyer who, averse to the sound of a barrel organ, changes his outlook upon meeting a blind girl. Based on the short story by Bolesław Prus.


It was autumn 1939, shortly after the attack on Poland by the German army. The military component of the Slovak State are allies of the Nazis, and with them came on Polish territory. They're alongside the mighty army of Hitler's occupation force. In the decimated Polish town the Commander of the Slovak company Major Valenta issues orders that all residents surrender weapons if they own any. Insubordination will be punishable by death. Shortly after, the charming young Polish lady Žofie reports Valenta about: Professor Klosowski, who is Professor of Botany at the local high school, said to be hiding out at home in the library of the gun. Valenta reluctantly executes search warrant and weapon is found, but it is immediately clear that the old Professor became the victim of misunderstandings or possible fraud. To his surprise, he soon discovers that Sophie has a close relationship with Klosowski. But just before he fathoms the mystery, the occupation machinery executes havoc.

A young boy must go to school with his father.


The life of the great Bolshevik leader before the Russian revolution is chronicled in this bio-pic. Much of the tale centers on his exile in Poland where Lenin becomes friends with two peasants. The little girl has a strong belief in the nationalist cause. Later Lenin hears she was killed for withholding information about him.


All the ambiance of an old-fashioned circus comes across with great clarity in this otherwise routine psychological tale about a mean-spirited mime and his effects on his colleagues. The small, traveling circus has been sliding downhill for awhile, and unless some new life is infused into its acts, its future does not look very rosy. Into this precarious situation comes a new mime with the uncanny ability to sap the confidence of his fellow performers. If he continues for long in this vein, no one will be able to believe they have any talent left at all.


The inability of a truck driver to relate to normal life after an accident for which he feels himself responsible.


A day in the life of an alcoholic. With the help of his girlfriend Krysia, Kuba attempts to regain control of his life. But when his girlfriend is at work and Kuba home alone, resisting temptation becomes hard.


Nikodem Dyzma is a poor dancer who comes to Warsaw to find a job. The problem is that nobody wants to hire him. One day he finds an invitation to the party with very important people and decides to attend. A small accident at the party makes him the hero of the night and becomes the beginning of his career.


Stach is a wayward teen living in squalor on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Warsaw. Guided by an avuncular Communist organizer, he is introduced to the underground resistance—and to the beautiful Dorota. Soon he is engaged in dangerous efforts to fight oppression and indignity, maturing as he assumes responsibility for others’ lives. A coming-of-age story of survival and shattering loss, A Generation delivers a brutal portrait of the human cost of war.


The story of Polish and Jewish families living side by side in one Warsaw street. Everything changes once and for all with the Nazi invasion.


Two neighbours with similar names, Paweł and Gaweł, meet a violinist girl Violetta who pretends to be a child. When Paweł learns she's not a child anymore, he falls in love with her. And vice versa.


Bielecki (Gregori Chmara) becomes determined to become a famous writer, but the means he employs in achieving his goal are far from ethical. Bielecki discourages his friend Jerzy Gorski (Artur Socha) by telling him his new work is rather poor, driving him into despair. But Bielecki is such a good friend that he even provides Gorski with the morphine so he can overdose too. With Gorski out of the way, Bielecki can now peddle his friend's book as his own. However, it doesn't take long for Bielecki's evil ways to catch up to him.


A Polish silent drama directed by Konstanty Meglicki.

The son of a miller, following his call, flees to the sea, but after several years he returns to his family and to his childhood romance, Hanka.
