Tadeusz Łomnicki

The Dulge Redivivus is a new remastered cut of the original Polish “The Dulge” from 1974 that was released for the film's 40th anniversary in 2014.

Violette knows that she will go and one night, she goes. Once away from her home,she will make good on her innermost wish, to walk in the steps of Rosa, the Rosa to whom she feels intimately attached, her Rosa, Rosa Luxembourg. Just eleven, but Violette, thinks of herself as Rosa's heir, the guardian of her memory. In the energy and the courage of this revolutionary figure, she finds her own identity. She feels herself transported by the utopia vision of the letters which Rosa wrote from her prison cells in 1917.


A young writer in 1939 Warsaw faces the conflict of acting his age or relapsing into childhood during the brink of World War II. Based on the famous novel Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz.


Orlanda is a person between male and female. Their profession is diseuse, a performer who entertains with songs and speeches in the German tradition of the 20's and 30's. To escape from loneliness, as well as to play with taboos, Orlanda decides to marry their friend Elizabeth. On a concert tour in Warsaw, which also serves as a honeymoon, both the newlyweds fall in love with a young Polish man.


Zofia, a professor of ethics, is visited by Elżbieta, an American researching the fate of Jews who survived World War II. A daytime classroom conversation turns into a night of confrontation, and Zofia is forced to answer for a decision she made decades ago that directly affected the course of Elżbieta’s life.


In the eve of the Day of the Dead, among mysterious old rituals of the Vilnius region, ghosts of the past and present start to appear.


French-polish movie adaptation of the novel by Dostoievski (also known as Demons), directed by Andrzej Wajda.


Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life.


Set in the summer months preceding the September 1939 outbreak of World War II in Polish part of Lithuania. A young highschool lad, Witek, is hoping to pass the entrance exams to the university. His love interest is Alina, his high-school colleague.


The feature film debut of director Marek Koterski. Thirty-year-old Adaś Miauczyński visits his parents, which ends with his nervous breakdown.


Two brothers of German heritage live in the Polish town of Poznan. Michal is the sensitive brother who likes literature, Andrzej is the daredevil with no intellectual bent, and between the two of them, they steal the German consul's Daimler-Benz limousine, on a lark. When they are caught by the police, the German consul unexpectedly forgives them their prank -- but in the meantime, the episode has put the brothers in touch with a Nazi underground group who want to prepare the way for the pending German invasion (set to occur within a matter of days). Andrej helps the group kill the German consul and then they blame the death on the Poles -- giving the Germans an excuse to cross the border. Not only the consul, but "artistic" types like Michal are also killed for the same reasons. After these murders, Michal realizes his brother is no better than the group he joined, and decides to set his own course in the face of the rising threat of invasion.


The reunion of a group of former medical students results in a flood of bitter memories.


A small village during the period of agricultural reforms in 1945. The two protagonists, a terminally ill count and his housemaster, engage in a private game that consists of artificially maintaining the social hierarchy which reigned here for centuries.


Bearing traces of the old Anton Chekhov play The Wedding, The Contract is set during an "arranged" ceremony. The bride and groom barely know each other, but this matters not at all to their tradition-bound families. At the last minute, the bride balks. Only slightly nonplused, the groom's father, a status-seeking doctor, decides to go ahead with the expensive reception anyway. Polish director Krzysz Zanussi uses this scenario to stick it to capitalist corruption, and to society's destruction of the individual spirit. Leslie Caron, the one recognizable member of the cast, is outstanding as a wealthy, over-the-hill ballerina who happens to be a kleptomaniac.


The action of the epic film takes place in the second half of World War II. The plot focuses on the liberation of European countries from German occupation and the anti-fascist activities of the communist parties of these countries. After the victory at Stalingrad, a decisive turn occurred during the war. The main aim is the rallying of all patriotic forces, the creation of a national anti-fascist front in the struggling countries. The swift offensive of the Soviet troops, problems with the opening of a second front, major operations and the offensive of the Soviet army lead to the liberation of Europe. Rebellions are rising in different countries - such as the heroic uprising in Warsaw, in Slovenia, Bucharest and other cities. Brave heroes who performed immortal feats in the name of the happiness of mankind and freedom.


Man of Marble is a Polish film about a student making a film about a bricklayer who was once idolized. She interviews people who knew him and finds old footage that lead to an unfolding mystery that causes her producer to cancel the project.


Following With Fire and Sword', this is an adaptation of the second and most spectacular part of Sienkiewicz's trilogy of warfare, romance, and derring-do. With war raging across Europe in the 17th century, a dashing warrior fights for the heart of a young gentlewoman. With almost four hundred actors, thousands of extras and twenty three thousand costumes, this is one of the most popular films in Polish cineman and received an Oscar nomination for Best Foreign Feature.


1944. Three wounded officers from both sides of political conflict meet in the hospital where the staff is politically divided too.

The main character has quit school, makes a living by taking pictures. He seduces a nurse who treated his head wound which he earned in a fight. They witness a hit-and-run driver killing a little girl on a sled. He builds up an elaborate trap by putting a doll dressed as a child down the hill in the path of a car. The man hits it and thinking that he hit a child - runs. Marek takes pictures of him and tries to blackmail him to use his car for a week. He wants to use the car to win back the nurse, who could not cope with his humors...


Officers of the 5th Horse Rifle Regiment of the 1st Armored Division go to Brussels, where they meet Joachim Lelewel. To verify the story, the press officer of the division goes to Brussels.

In 1668 Polish colonel Michael Wolodyjowski, who recently retired to a monastery, is recalled to active duty and takes charge of Poland's eastern frontier defenses against invading Tatar hordes and Ottoman armies.


In the last days of WW2, Polish military looks for the murderer of prosecutor responsible for storing Gestapo files.


WWII. Zyga, one of the Resistance soldiers in Kraków (Poland), is arrested by Gestapo. Soon later with new arrestings comes out that Germans must have received some new informations. Zyga is suspected to become an informator.


A serious Swiss melodrama/documentary about abortion, marketed as a sexy exploitation movie in the US. The film contains real medical footage.


A dream-like meditation on post-industrial life in Communist Poland.


Three idealists - a communist secretary, a former RAF pilot and a female political activist - need to face the hardships and accusations of postwar Stalinist years before being finally rehabilitated.


Lieutenant Mosura fights the groups of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Suddenly, he manages to capture and eliminate its commander. Several years passed. The lieutenant is accused of collaborating with the insurgents, because he took part in several terrorist operations in order to gain their trust.


In this haunting short fiction film, a group of Jewish children and their teacher are herded into an ambulance by Nazis; the vehicle, ordinarily representing comfort and safety, becomes the group’s death chamber. Morgenstern’s presentation of the incident serves as a metaphor for the horror of the Holocaust, and provides a powerful trigger for discussion of the disturbing issues raised by the film. The figure of the children's’ teacher specifically parallels Janusz Korcak (1879-1942), a famous Jewish educator who ran an orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto and died with his young charges at Treblinka.


A young doctor who is sought by women meets one that he likes.


In the rugged mountain gorges and ravines of southeastern Poland, a new boss and his wife become a catalyst for violence.


A deeply touching psychological drama adapted from the novel 'Kamienne niebo' showing the Warsaw Uprising through the prism of civilians’ tragedy. A classic feature trick of locking characters up in a confined space allowed the film creators to focus on the psychological portraits of their characters and the experience of an individual facing a hopeless situation. Warsaw, the last days of the Warsaw Uprising. A few inhabitants are imprisoned under the rubble of a tenement house in the Old Town. To start with the characters are not very worried by the incident. They are convinced they will be freed soon, however no help is in sight. They run out of food and their attempts to get out of the trap prove unsuccessful. Every captive reacts differently to the extreme and life-threatening situation. A Warsaw wheeler-dealer Maniuś tries to take some action, an old professor loses his eyesight and the seemingly rational janitor goes crazy… The last oil-lamp goes out.


Polish writer/director Aleksander Ford's Eighth Day of the Week takes an astonishing anti-Communist stance--the first of many that would compel Ford to leave his homeland after a general governmental crackdown on personal expression in 1968. Zbigniew Cybulski and Sonja Ziemann play a married couple who fall through the cracks of Red bureaucracy in Warsaw. The film does not endeavor to preach, merely to present a matter-of-fact glance at how little the individual matters when confronted with mountains of red tape. Upon its completion in 1958, the government refused to allow Eighth Day of the Week to be shown in Poland; it would not been seen anywhere until its European release one year later.


Warsaw Central Station, 1958. A place of greetings and farewells, an intersection of people from different parts of Poland and Europe. A girl waits in vain, she goes away. Soon the station would belong to the past too.

Set in the occupied Warsaw, the film tells the story of the mission carried out by the student uderground resistance group to execute the hated SS General Franz Kutchera.


A look at the poorest district of Warsaw. Targówek looks as if the war ended just yesterday - the place is full of rubble and misery, and devoid of any perspectives for a better future.

Stach is a wayward teen living in squalor on the outskirts of Nazi-occupied Warsaw. Guided by an avuncular Communist organizer, he is introduced to the underground resistance—and to the beautiful Dorota. Soon he is engaged in dangerous efforts to fight oppression and indignity, maturing as he assumes responsibility for others’ lives. A coming-of-age story of survival and shattering loss, A Generation delivers a brutal portrait of the human cost of war.


In war-ravaged Warsaw, five juvenile delinquents are given probation for stealing, to rehabilitate themselves, but remain under the influence of their profiteer-boss.


In occupied Silesia, resistance is organizing. In close contact with the miners and led by an engineer, a group of partisans prepare the sabotage of the steel combine. The going will be tough as the place is closely guarded by the Nazis. But despite a denunciation from a traitor and several violent deaths, they get going and the operation is a success. But the Red Army is approaching and now the coal production must not be sabotaged anymore. On the contrary, the partisans must prevent the Germans from destroying the steel mill and the coal mine...
