Tage Axelson

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Our star (Michael Falch) is introduced as the "Reporter," a womanizing journalist on the outs with the cops who want him in jail and a mysterious "thin man" who wants him dead.


Criminal genius Egon Olsen presents his accomplices Benny and Keld with yet another infallible plan that can only end badly. The booty is a red suitcase containing values ​​worth five million. The sinister mastermind Bang-Johansen carries the suitcase. The Olsen Gang follows him to Paris, where they put their cunning and carefully organized plan into motion.


A young, idealistic business student has ambitions to be a concert pianist, but his obsession with beautiful women keeps him from achieving his goal. To earn money for his tuition, he takes a job as headmaster of a small girls' school. There his weakness for beautiful women is put to the test when he is pursued by a bevy of sexy coeds.


På godset Næsbygaard går den gamle godsejer og savner barnebarnet Martin, der er på en kvægfarm i Texas for at lære noget om landbrug. Skytten på godset er syg, så stutterimesteren må passe hans job også. Det er netop i en tid, hvor han træner hårdt til galop løbet om Kongens ærespræmie. For at hjælpe på humøret får de besøg af nogle københavnske feriebørn. Da der opstår store problemer omkring krybskytteri på godsets jord er børnene med til at opklare sagen. Stutterimesteren kommer til skade og det ser ud til at godsets hest ikke kan deltage i det store galop løb. Men heldigvis kommer unge Martin hjem fra Texas i rette tid...
