Tainá Müller

While hunting for a dating-site predator, an underused cop discovers a husband and wife with a horrific secret — and a web of conspiracy hiding it.


1980s. Brazilian television exploding in color and auditorium programs not so politically correct. In the middle of this fervor, Augusto Mendes, a young rising actor, seeks his place in the sun. From porn studios to soap operas, he finally finds success and fame when he becomes "Bingo", a TV host clown from one of the audience leader TV shows for children. It turns out that behind the rice powder and red nose, nobody knows who he is.


Commander Vasco Moscoso de Aragão entertains the small town of Periperi with the stories of his many adventures travelling around the world as a captain of the merchant navy. Stubborn Chico Pacheco is the only one in town who doesn't believe his tales.


Laerte’s obsessive jealousy brings his relationship with Helena to an end on their wedding day. Twenty years later, he meets Luiza, the daughter of his long lost love. The two fall in love and stir up dormant feelings that profoundly affect Helena’s marriage and her relationship with her daughter. Defying everyone, Laerte and Luiza decide to follow their love to the highest bounds, leaving a trail of conflicts and pain along the way.


The real first comedy about love.


Sparkling Girls tells the story of three young and lovely, hard-working housekeepers who rise to stardom overnight after an incidentally uploaded online video of their singing performance becomes an unexpected hit. Penha, Rosário, and Cida, all make an honest living cleaning, cooking, and picking up after their bosses. Besides an everlasting friendship, these three ordinary women also share the similar struggle of finding romantic love. The future music stars never imagined all the glitz and glamour that their lives would turn into.


Insensato Coração is a Brazilian telenovela that first aired on Rede Globo in 2011.


After a bloody invasion of the BOPE in the High-Security Penitentiary Bangu 1 in Rio de Janeiro to control a rebellion of interns, the Lieutenant-Colonel Roberto Nascimento and the second in command Captain André Matias are accused by the Human Right Aids member Diogo Fraga of execution of prisoners. Matias is transferred to the corrupted Military Police and Nascimento is exonerated from the BOPE by the Governor.


Yuda, a Chinese immigrant, and his adopted son Kirin, who he saved being eaten by a tiger in the jungle, stand at the head of a massive pirated goods operation that brings in both money and influence. But their empire is crumbling, as corrupt politicians and rival gangs seek to end their power in the city. Yuda is soon got arrested and his dedicated son tries his best to save not just the family business, but his father's reputation.


In Porto Alegre, the unemployed Ciro has a dull life in a simple apartment with a nameless stray dog that he had found on the streets. Ciro is supported by his parents and works every now and then in translation of Russian. When he meets the aspirant actress Marcela, who dreams on traveling to other places, they immediately fall in love for each other. However, Marcela has a lymphoma and travels for a treatment, and alone Marcelo becomes depressed and returns to his parents home.
