Takashi Matsumoto

A dive, the midday sunlight filtering down through the water. The air in her lungs has to last until she can dislodge the abalone. Dives like these have been carried out in Japan for over 2000 years by the Ama-San.


Hiyoko wants to become an artist like her mother, but her father would prefer that she took a different career path. Enraged when she notices that he took all paintings done by her mother from the house, she decides to run away. Unable to find a place to sleep among her acquaintances, she ends up at Asylum Stadium, an abandoned field that is shelter for many homeless, but that is about to be torn down by the government. There she meets Akira, a strange individual capable of flying. [from AnimeNewsNetwork]


On The Beach is a compilation of music from the Crown library, with sounds of ocean waves. The video version pairs the music and sounds with scenes of summer, featuring plenty of waves, sand, and much more

A war widow determined to clear the name of her disgraced husband, who was court-martialed for desertion and executed. Official records have been destroyed, and the ministry that distributes benefits continues to deny her a pension. Twenty-six years after the war, she seeks out four survivors of her husband's garrison. Each tells a dramatically different story about her husband's conduct, but she is determined to learn the truth.
