Takaya Yamauchi

Detective Tomo Yashiro is ordered to transfer to the Sixth Special Investigations Unit. it is in charge of deciphering documents of unsolved cases she begins work in her new post along with a senior detective Risa Narum who is called the expert of document deciphering for her unusual ability to predict the personality and thoughts of a writer from writings


Seemingly perfect from the outside, Shinkai Akira was exhausted from worrying too much about how to be perfect. Nemoto Kousei is amicable and popular with women, but he trusts no one and views everything with a cold heart. The two of them, who became unable to live instinctively like animals, meet by chance at a craft beer bar after work and gradually become close enough to fight and tell each other how they really feel. Due to their encounter, even while getting hurt, they begin to try to be themselves and start taking a step forward.


A monster was created from an incident that took place 100 years ago. He possesses super physical ability and can live forever. He yearns for humans and listens to the radio. He picks up things thrown away by other people. The monster dreams of living as a human. One day, he meets a young woman Tsugaru. He falls in love with her.


In the late 16th century, after the death of Nobunaga Oda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi takes power. The age of war is about to end, but Hideyoshi Toyotomi's rule makes life difficult for the people. Monk Senko Ikenobo is a master of flower arrangement. He prays for peace in the world and tries to give hope to the people with flower arrangement. He becomes good friends with Rikyu. Rikyu is a monk and a politician. He has the most profound influence on chanoyu. Rikyu is forced to commit hara-kiri by Hideyoshi Toyotomi’s order. Monk Senko Ikenobo challenges Hideyoshi Toyotomi.


In 2010, a musician, Watanabe Toshimi was planning to go back to his hometown in Fukushima to do farming. His son Toui was going to re-take high school entrance exam which he had failed the previous year. Both looked forward to starting new chapters in their lives. In 2011, Toshimi had to cancel his plan because of the Great East Japanese Earthquake. His hometown was within 20 km of the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant. To cheer up his father, Toui who passed a high school entrance exam promised him to go to school every day. Toshimi promised Toui to make him bento every day.

Yuria discovered the pleasure of tying herself up in her university days, and resumes the pursuit in order to relieve work stress. She starts a blog to describe the sensation of rope on her skin, and becomes acquainted with a cross-dressing bondage aficionado. Eventually, she grows bolder in practicing her hobby, and begins to wear bindings under her suit while at work.


A doctor and his family receive an unexpected delivery from an old friend at their remote country home - a large wooden crate containing a gun, a female zombie and an instruction sheet telling them not to feed her meat. The family is concerned, of course, but she seems harmless enough. Perhaps she can help clean up outside?


In 1969, Sawada is filled with idealism that permeated that era and starts working as a gonzo journalist for a weekly magazine. Two years later, Sawada interviews activist Umeyama with senior reporter Nakahira. Umeyama boasts that his group will steal arms and take action in April. Sawada doubts Umeyama's claims but is attracted to his personality. An incident occurs... Sawada hears news that a man was killed at a army post...


A story of an island country named Horai that was finally about to be integrated under one political administration. Domon DATE, an innocent man confined in a prison island. After 10 years of imprisonment, he kept his sanity by dreaming of retaliating against those who framed him up. He breaks the prison with the help of a man incarcerated in the deepest corner of the prison island. The man identified himself as Saji. His steady road to revenge was obstructed by a woman named Mikoto, the once fiancée of his. Can Domon get his revenge? Who is the man who identified himself as Saji? What are the hidden thoughts of Mikoto?

There once was a hospital where patients and even doctors & nurses were all weird. Above all, Onuki, a patient who built up his company all by himself from scratch, is a super cranky old man. One day, he meets up a girl called Paco, who cannot retain memory beyond one day due to a car accident. She is reading the same picture book everyday. Onuki starts bonding with Paco after some incident, and begins to doubt his way of living. He starts wanting to do something for Paco with his remaining life, and comes up with a brilliant idea. This pleases Paco, but their fate is?


A hangout next to the 'boiler room' in the basement, offstage at a theatre in Osaka. The comedians who visit there and the people who surround them. Their respective agendas are soon exposed.

In this drama at the end of World War II, the inhabitants of a small Japanese fishing village must come to terms with their nation's defeat and the sudden occupation of General MacArthur and his troops.
