Tanio Boccia

Maurice Poitier, a disbarred lawyer, is dumped in prison. In prison, he learns of a plan of robbery worth millions from a dying inmate: once released, will begin to put together a group of bandits to pull this off. But not everything goes as hoped.


Jeff sets out to murder each one of the five outlaws who robbed, raped and killed his poor sister. He lays a fragment of her poncho on each of his victims' dead bodies as a mark of his revenge in a gripping, exciting tale.


A Mexican gang headed by vicious Pedro terrorizes the land between New Mexico and Arizona. Jeff a youth whose father has been killed by Pedro seeks revenge.


A robber decides to hide his loot in a ghost town, helped by his girlfriend and his one remaining man. Keeping it though may be a problem, with the lone inhabitant, an old lady, a mysterious stranger, a recent widow and a former gang member all more or less plotting against the bandits.


A violin-playing gunslinger accidently gets caught in a feud between two families. One of them forces him into a showdown and he kills him. He then must escape from the wrathful family and is accused wrongly for killing 2 deputies. He is saved by an old man, who helps him to get revenge and to prevent the girl he loves from marrying a murderer. Source: SWDB www.spaghetti-western.net


William of Ivanhoe returns from the Crusades to free the Saxons from bondage in 12th-century England, claim the hand of the fair maid and rescue her from dire consequences. The film stars Rik Van Nutter (who played Felix Leiter in "Thunderball") as the titular hero, who wields his "invincible sword" in the field of combat and, one presumes, in his lady's bedchamber. Despotic overlords, jousting knights, rampaging peasants, damsels in distress—this medieval actioner has something for everyone.


The czar Nicolas sends a secret mission of experts to find a hidden treasure, while at the same time preparing a group of mercenaries to kill the experts after their return.


A fabulous land of green pastures is protected from invasion by the mysterious Valley of the Thundering Echo. Queen Farida draws together the desert tribes to conquer the land, even though a prophecy has promised the land to the Gameli tribe. The Gameli journey to the Silver Temple, where the High Priest summons the legendary Maciste from the mountain rock to defeat their enemies and guide them to their promised land.


A hero saves a beautiful young princess from a forced marriage to an evil villain.


A terrible pirate terrorizes the Antilles plundering ships, slaughtering their crews and selling women as slaves. One of the women asks Sansone for help.


In 54 B.C. Julius Caesar seeks to solidify his position in Rome by putting down a rebellion in Gaul led by a tribal chieftain named Vercingetorix. Vercingetorix has rallied many tribes to his cause, including one led by the beautiful Queen Asterix and others who'd once pledged allegiance to Rome. At first things go badly for the Romans, complicated by the fact that Vercingetorix has captured and tortured a centurion named Claudius Valerius who's in love with Caesar's ward, Publia, who has also fallen into the hands of Vercingetorix. Eventually a great battle pitting Caesar against the rebellious Gaul decides the fate of all concerned.


The evil Queen Tenefi demands that a steady supply of young women be sacrificed to the God of Fire. Maciste intervenes and saves from this sacrifice a village's women including the beautiful Antea. Maciste then becomes involved in an effort to restore to the throne of Memphis its rightful ruler, Prince Iram.


Centuries ago in the Orient, the fiscal exactions on the people lead to a revolt against the usurper of the throne, and the empowerment of a new leader.


After years of imprisonment in the U.S., an Italian man comes back to Rome to live with his sister.