Tarsem Paul

Maa is a story of a lady who has been through many ups and downs throughout her life but she is fearless protector who wishes to provide the best life for her child. She becomes a fearless protector of her child always shielding him from harm and pain, teaching him the qualities of life especially being a good human being and having the courage and commitment to face the society.

A young woman is blessed with a beautiful voice but is restrained to sing due to the society where she lives in. Even her new husband warns her that if she tries to sing again, he will drop her back at her parent's house.

To fight the corruption in Punjab university, senior student Sandhu announces his candidacy as Grewal for the election


Avtar Singh's directorial comic drama starring Kavita Kaushik and Karamjeet Anmol focuses on the contrast between two classes i.e. educated urban and uneducated rural. This film is a blend of both comedy as well as carries a social message; that how differences in thinking, life style and living standard of two persons from different classes impact their lives. Despite all these differences, that they are still together at the end proves that human values are far ahead of the differences in today's money minded and fast societies.


'Nankana' revolves around the strong bond between a father and a son. At the same time, it gives a very noteworthy message that not everyone can get everything in life; thus, one should not lose his/her calm.


A single father pushes his cricket-obsessed son to buckle down and focus on his education.


The film revolves around how the forced respect for the son-in-law of the family serves as an obstacle in the love life of the married couple.


The plot revolves around two guys, Preet and Harpal, who are from a middle class family and are carefree and not concerned about their future. They keep making schemes to make themselves rich. Their father tries to teach them the facts of life and to be efficient and independent. Their mother however supports them in whatever they do no matter how frivolous. The film takes a hilarious turn when the boys meet two rich girls and make a plan to get involved with the girls to extract money from them. In order to do this they need to adapt to the girls lifestyles and borrow money from their father. The plot gets murkier when they decide to marry the girls. Secrets are revealed and criminals are involved. What happens next? Do the boys succeed in their plan? Watch the movie to find out.


Ekam – Son of Soil is a film about family relations and family disputes. It’s a triangular love story with full of comedy and emotions. It’s about villager’s life and a journey of a hero from metro city to a village where he helps not just the poor farmers but also the drug ridden youth. He gives away his land to the villagers.
