Tate Steinsiek

A remake of the 1995 Stuart Gordon film, as well as a direct adaptation of the H.P. Lovecraft stories "The Outsider" and "The Dunwich Horror". A recently blinded young girl, Rebecca, travels with her boyfriend and a group of friends to rural Albania after she inherited an age-old castle from her long-lost mother. However, upon arriving at the castle, it becomes clear that Rebecca's extended family may have kept dark, cosmic secrets locked away below their family homestead, secrets which have just been awakened by the arrival of the teenaged visitors.

Documentary covering the production of David Gregory's PLAGUE TOWN.

A recently divorced young man discovers a mint condition Blade doll in his deceased brother's closet and plans to sell the toy at a convention in Oregon celebrating the 30th anniversary of the infamous Toulon Murders. All hell breaks loose during the auction when a strange force animates all of the puppets throughout the convention, setting them on a bloody killing spree.


Based on a true story, "Dynamite: A Cautionary Tale" follows family man Max Bornstein who was a full-time dope fiend working within the underground, highly illegal pornography industry in 1968’s New York City. While running books and films to delivery points and mob headquarters around the east coast, Max had the Feds on his tail. But even in the wake of a federal investigation, Max's truest worry was his wife and two young children, a family kept in the dark about Max's reality and the walls of it caving in around him. As Max battles his consuming addiction, dissolving family unit and the growing suspicion about his drug use amongst his associates, Max watches helplessly as his well-crafted reality falls to pieces, leaving him searching for the spaces in between.


It’s the middle of the 17th Century and a brother and sister are hiding in the garden of an isolated cottage in rural New England. When they enter the house and investigate the kitchen, they gorge themselves on the tempting cakes covering the table. It seems to good to be true.


The movie covers the careers of five up-and-coming horror-movie loving directors – Mark Borchardt ('Coven'), Ron Atkins ('Necromaniac'), Dave Stagnari ('Catharsis'), John Gora ('Chirpy'), and Brian Singleton.
