Tatyana Bozhok

Maria, the wife of a successful official from St. Petersburg, met with a provincial engineer. A chance meeting of spiritually close people becomes the beginning of the history of Sizzling passion, which ended tragically.

Story of life of Fyodor Kuzkin, who shared all the burdens of the 30s Stalins terror and after, WW2 and post-war years.


Adventures of young Vasilyok who is going to the pre-school for a first time in his life.


Председатель колхоза Родион Михайлович Шишкин — человек со сложным характером. Он ругается с высоким начальством, которое не дает ему работать, и не терпит несправедливости. Но однажды очередной поднятый им скандал закончился для него… повышением!


The tank corps of General Shubnikov in the spring of 1945 was already on the outskirts of Berlin. The stray rear did not ensure the regularity of the fuel supply. Colonel Lebedenko was commissioned to organize a base of fuel and lubricants in Himmelsfort, where a small group of Soviet soldiers had to enter into an unequal battle with the remnants of an enemy tank regiment, trying to break through the city.


The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.

Vera Golubeva, a textile worker, lives in a hostel. In her spare time, she arranges the fate of her friends. Although the class is disinterested and informal, Faith comes up to him professionally: working with the press, send out wedding announcements across the Soviet Union carefully selects and grooms. Vera herself is lonely, walking at other people's weddings, forgot to dream of her own family happiness. In a purely female team of the hostel there is a new commandant Viktor Petrovich. At first, he tries to fight with the established order and close the marriage office of Faith. But soon Victor begins to realize that Faith is the very woman he sought all his life…


Polosa vezeniya (literally) 'Streak of Luck' is the fifth film in a Mosfilm "youth" anthology series and comprises three short stories. The first story, 'Vizit' (The Visit) directed by film maker turned politician Yevgeni Gerasimov tells the story of a rural boy visiting his former village girlfriend, now living in Moscow. Next comes a short film by Aleksandr Majorov called 'Zolotye rybki' (Goldfishes) which is based on a story of a magical goldfish brought from a provincial pet store by the late Russian historian and science-fiction and fantasy writer Kir Bulychyov. The final segment and the title of the film, 'Polosa vezeniya' (Streak of Luck) tells the story of a member of staff at a research institute who is offered the job of the department head, but has second thoughts when he discovers the previous boss was unfairly dismissed.


The first movie about funny adventures of two best friends - Petrov and Vasechkin.


A fire starts on the tanker which is docked in a port. A small group of a workers is trapped inside the burning ship.


Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.


A story about a guy and a girl who decided to get married.They want to have their own place and live without parents. They search for apartment to live together because they can't live without each other, they're seriously falling in love, but parents are getting tougher to deal with and they forbid her to see him. He comes up with a plan to sneak into her house pretending to be her English girl-teacher named Olga with two long braids and funny voice...


Six-grader Sasha is a very talented artist but he doesn't to show his paintings to anyone.


About one day of a large mining family. In the center of the picture is a veteran, a former miner, and now a pensioner Panteleimon Dmitriyevich Grinin, who on Victory Day decided to introduce children to his “lady of the heart” hairdresser Zinaida. The action lasts only a day, but a lot happens during this time with the sons, daughters-in-law, daughter and Zinaida...


In July 1942, in the Second World War, the rearguard of the Russian army protects the bridgehead of the Don River against the German army while the retreating Russian troops cross the bridge. While they move back to the Russian territory through the countryside, the soldiers show their companionship, sentiments, fears and heroism to defend their motherland.


The story of a talented woman who dedicated her life to surgery. Patients from all over the country go to her orthopedic laboratory — the doctor’s unique methods of treatment are so effective. However, an anonymous complaint is received by the metropolitan commission. Now experts have to figure out whether Kalinnikova really creates innovative healing techniques...
