Tatyana Dogileva

Every Saturday fireman Anton Kalashnikov welcomes his 14-year-old daughter Kira from the dance. TV, dumplings for dinner - a standard set of entertainment from a Saturday dad for a teenage girl. But on this day, everything went wrong. Kira rings the intercom, Kalashnikov opens the front door, but the girl does not go up to the apartment. Anton has to ask for help from his neighbors in a concrete box, breaking through human indifference and past grievances.

This is the story of one day in the life of Elizabeth Glinka, the head of "Fair Care" foundation, a philanthropist, a doctor and a human rights activist. As the day starts, Elizaveta and her husband Gleb are going to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Liza is planning to spend some time with her family, waiting for her sons and close friends to arrive. The last thing to do is to drop by Paveletsky train station to check the campaign of the Fund for sending humanitarian supplies to people in need. Suddenly, she is addressed by the father of a girl suffering from a severe disease, and Doctor Lisa agrees to help. This request yields lots of unexpected circumstances into the well-planned day.

Film about a daughter's relationship with her parents.

After a conflict with his boss, Economics analyst Igor is sent to a journalist business trip. Location is chosen randomly: it is a small Far Eastern Kuril island, Russia. There he meets with a charming and beautiful young woman who is a leader of a mysterious community consisted of 12 people. They do not remember how they have appeared on the island and do not know about Moscow and where Russia is. Enchanted by a woman and the local nature the character got lost more and more deeply into a life of the community. In a time he realizes that the island and its residents have a well-kept secret and that his arrival to the island was not an accident.


This time Lesha, Slava, Kamil and Sasha go to St. Petersburg. And three of the four do not even know why they go there. But at some point it becomes clear that it does not matter - why. It is important that they go.


Alevtina Romanova is a warden in the woman's colony, and the only thing that is different from her «iron lady» image is her voice - a voice which even a notable opera diva would envy. However, Alevtina has been ashamed of her talent since the times she was a kid and nowadays, preliminarily making sure no one's around, she rarely sings for herself. Despite the fact that Alevtina is trying to stay invisible, one of the prisoners secretly records her singing on video by a cellphone and puts it online. The tape becomes a real sensation, and soon Alevtina is invited to Moscow to participate in the main singing show on national television. A sincere desire to change her life awakens inside Alevtina but she's not ready to compete in the show at all. The only person who could train her voice and prepare her for the performance is that very prisoner, who recorded the video, who turns out to be a singer in the past.


Contemporary Moscow. Ninth-grader Kolya falls in love with a beautiful young teacher at his high school. The most beautiful girl in the senior class falls in love with him. How will he make his way through this triangle?


And again a heroes of "Yolki" series are ready and prepared for a New Year.


Relations between Vladimir Rusakov and Tatyana continue to develop, and on his birthday in the presence of guests, Vladimir presents Tatyana as his bride.

Lena Yartseva is a Moscow school girl. She has a typical family of modest means. Lena loves to dream of a good life and a lot of time in the nearby shopping center, where is her realm of dreams, and the mirror looks at her reflection – usually clad girls. Too much of a difference between her parents’ wishes and possibilities. Perfectionism, anger, temper originate Lena quarrels with his parents and leaves the house.

Tatyana is a forty-five year old teacher from Moscow who borrows a large sum of money to pay for her sick mother's operation. Sadly her mother dies, and Tatyana soon finds herself plunged into debt. Her financial situation spirals further out of control when she is ill advised by her friends to set up a cake stall at the local market, a venture, which, not surprisingly, fails. Tatyana is forced to sell her apartment and, after an argument with her niece with whom she has been staying, Tatyana is left with no job and nowhere to live.


У двадцатилетней Леры Мещериковой сложные отношения с матерью. Отец, бабушка и тетя Ольга любят Леру, но из-за их нерешительности и безволия девушке приходится самостоятельно отстаивать свой выбор. Татьяна не может смириться с тем, что дочь выходит замуж за парня из бедной семьи Дениса и в сердцах рассказывает Лере, что она приемная дочь Мещериковых. Лера уходит жить к Денису, и постепенно ее жизнь налаживается: она мирится с отцом, тот устраивает Дениса на работу, парень с радостью принимает известие, что у него скоро будет ребенок, и Татьяне приходится смириться с браком дочери. Но Леру гложет мысль, что она должна найти свою родную мать — только тогда она сможет разобраться в себе. Если бы девушка знала, что за это ей придется очень дорого заплатить…

Failing to complete an important assignment without casualties, fearless crime fighters from an elite special service agency, masters of disguise and simply fun guys "Velik" and "Koshka" were demoted to serve in a department of a Drug Enforcement Agency...


Sergei and Simon have to deliver a suitcase full of heroin to Mikhalych or else they will be killed. There is one minor detail: the only problem-solving technique they are familiar with is a shot in the head.


June 1946: Stalin invites Russian emigres to return to the motherland. It's a trap: when a ship-load from France arrives in Odessa, only a physician and his family are spared execution or prison. He and his French wife (her passport ripped up) are sent to Kiev. She wants to return to France immediately; he knows that they are captives and must watch every step.


This movie deals with two friends, 13-14 year old boys. One comes from a more or less stable home (although he is growing up with single mom) and another comes from a broken up family. One day the kids break into a store to pretty much have fun and get something to eat, short time after they get caught and one kid is sent to juvenile prison (14 year old) and another one is released to his being too young to be tried (13 years old). The younger kid feels bad about such decision, feels guilty and tries to help his friend in any way possible. While trying to help he is meeting a guy, who is ex-cop and now down-on-his-luck drunk(played by Priyomykhov himself)... the two become friends. In the finale, the ex-cop has to go one of the PTA meeting at school (his mother could not get away from work and knows nothing about the ex-cop) where suddenly his mother appears and meets the "father"...


Is it easy to be a walking corpse? How do you spend a half a million dollars? Can you fall in love with the same bride twice?


Two people meet one another in a multi-million city...


A young man fall in love with an older woman without knowing that her husband is a known criminal.


After discovering a time tunnel to 1960-ies a journalist decides to make some cash out of it.


A factory worker leads a double life. In that other reality, he's a "killer" doing his dirty work. Receiving the order, he is as close to his "client", penetrating into his life before it is cut off. In parallel, it turns out that the "client" holds in the hands of three respectable women who are connected with each other by one craft - prostitution. Trying to cash in on their secret "killer" gets a feminine charms and falls victim to his greed


A drama about the last days of a specific Russian regiment stationed in Afghanistan, before the main troop withdrawal in 1985.


Двое приятелей Вова и Боб ограбили квартиру Нины - любовницы директора рынка. Всю вину молодчики свалили на бывшего любовника и сутенера Нины Стаса Шапкина. Шеф не стал впутывать в эту историю милицию, он поручил заняться этим делом своим людям. Бандиты пытают Стаса, требуют отдать пропавшую сумму. В конце концов, бедняге приходится занять деньги у всех своих проституток и отдать вымогателям.


A few days from the life of average brothel in early XX century Russia. Based on the classical novel by Aleksandr Kuprin.


The film is based on the novel by Vyacheslav Kondratyev "Vacation by Wound." The story of the few weeks that young lieutenant Volodya spent in Moscow in the summer of 1942 after treatment at the hospital. Directly from the Rzhev Front with a bandaged hand, in a bloodstained padded jacket and tattered boots, he goes on vacation to his mother in the capital. Here, at the height of the war, almost peaceful life is going on - lines for vodka and beer, restaurants for the aristocracy of nomenclature, parties, girls... It’s another month for Volodya to live an ordinary life in Moscow, in a peaceful city in which everything is alien to him.


The saleswoman of the village store Pasha Nikitina generously distributed all the money from the proceeds to the villagers in debt, when they were left without a salary through the fault of the Chairman. The audit appeared suddenly — and Pasha began to demand money back. Not having received debts, the heroine turned for help to her brother, who immediately responded to her misfortune: he sent money and came himself…


A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.


A story of a young man participating in a building of kolkhoz in Russia during the twenties.

Monsieur Perrichon, a rich coachbuilder by profession, is an honest but vain member of the bourgeoisie who decides to take a pleasure trip in the company of his wife Caroline and his daughter Henrietta. The family, deciding on a train journey to the Swiss Alps, arrive at Gare de Lyon in Paris where they happen upon two young suitors, both with the same goal of marrying Henrietta. Over the course of the journey, the two men are involved in an honorable but fierce struggle for the young lady's hand in marriage.


A troubled journalist is joining the club which promotes healthy lifestyle.


A barman from an elite bar for Soviet nomenklatura is greedy and not a true Leninist at all. Someone who in the Soviet Union often becomes an 'easy pray' for evil CIA agents. The barman from the "Golden Anchor" is about to become a CIA agent himself but his friends and families help him to find some Soviet patriotism inside his soul.


A young girl decides to leave her home after she fails to make a peace in the family.


Film is based on the eponymous book by V. Livanov. About a boy, who is adopted by the divorced man.


A chairman of a Kolkhoz tries to organize a musical band in order to prevent kolkhoz girls to escape into a big city.


Moscow militia detectives are investigating a death of a young girl whose body was found in the construction site.


Comedy of manners with elements of grotesque. The hero of the tape - an employee of a solid research Institute San Sanych lubomudrov - an extraordinary personality. Charming trickster and subtle psychologist, he is fluent in the art of communicating with the "right" people.


A railway engineer tells the story of when he seduced a married woman whom he'd known since she was a schoolgirl, and how after convincing her he loved her he cruelly abandoned her.


An unemployed astrophysicist finds a job of a docker at a grocery store, where he falls in love with a street-wise saleswoman in the produce department. But the groom runs away at the wedding reception.


Ироническая комедия, которая соединила в себе ранние рассказы A.П.Чехова "Предложение", "Свадьба", "Юбилей" и другие. Целая плеяда ведущих актеров советского кинематографа позволяет с легкостью окунуться в чеховские времена и смеяться от души над жизненными ситуациями.


A young and humble girl who works as a clerk suddenly inherits the huge and expensive art collection...


Platon Ryabinin, a pianist, is traveling by train to a distant town of Griboedov to visit his father. He gets off to have lunch during a twenty minute stop at Zastupinsk railway station. He meets Vera, a waitress, after he refuses to pay her for the disgusting food he doesn't even touch and misses his train due to police investigation of the incident. His passport is then accidentally taken away from him by Andrei, Vera's fiancé, and his money is stolen as he waits for the next train to Griboedov. Vera learns that Platon is about to get sentenced and sent to prison in the Far East for a car accident he isn't guilty for. During the few days that Platon has to spend in Zastupinsk he and Vera develop feelings for each other...


Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.


An eccentric musical about what awaits a young honest man who does not want to enjoy the benefits of a "profitable place", despite the fact that he has a young wife, a very persistent mother-in-law and an influential uncle.


Was have Vasily and Vasilisa seven children. They lived together, the village respected the working family. But one day something happened to the owner: washed down the man and raised his hand to the faithful wife. And then Vasilisa evicted her husband in the barn. It was just before the war.…


The film takes place in Leningrad and Sverdlovsk, in 1970 and 1979. Arriving on a business trip from Sverdlovsk in the Lenfilm, engineer catapults Sergei Gushchin meets a young actress Natasha. She invites him to show Leningrad, but Gushchin and he knows the city - he served here during the war. They are looking for an excuse for further meetings, but he always finds a reason to not to meet with the woman who is many years younger than him and with whom he has fallen in love with. Natasha understands too that she loves this man, but Gushchin leaves, and not daring to associate with her fate. In the end he leaves and only returns to Leningrad nine years later and then he tries to find Natasha again.


Nina, a young girl from Moscow, suddenly decides to accompany her new friend Anton to Siberia in order to participate in the building of the railroad...


Near future. Lera Arabova is a 15-year-old girl who lives with her family in Vladivostok. Lera's father has been working at the orbiting space station "Mira" for many years and has long lost contact with his daughter, turning only into a voice on the phone. After a meteor shower hits the city, Lera has only one chance to save her loved ones and the city from a new disaster. Her father helps her in this - through satellite surveillance systems and the telephone, he uses every opportunity to send a message to his daughter, watching from above from the station her every step.
