Tatyana Fedorovskaya

The "Alone Anthologyc" is a project of the Andrey Konchalovsky film company that combines short films of various genres by seven aspiring Directors who reflect on what happens when a person is left alone with himself.

Jewish shtetl, Ukraine, 1941. A box with mother’s hairpins – the only thing left from his family – is Yasha’s last chance to escape German invaders and rescue his new friend, a wounded goat kid.


An old widower, former WW2 radio operator, perceives flashing bulb as his late wife's messages from Heaven. His love will never die even when the lights are gone.


A "Happy Paradise" set with a driving licence as a bonus - this is all 'Mr. Average' needs to make his cherished dream come true and to feel a real human being. An absurdist tragicomedy based on a play 'Apprenez á conduire par correspondance' by Claude Fortuno.

The only bonus in the simple, uncomplicated life of a non-charismatic fifty-year-old man is his Friday vodka in the bar along the way with a hated job home. On one of these evenings he meets Belka.


Based on true story. Professor of Genetics Boris Mniszech is a beloved husband and father. On his way to work, he gives a lift to a pregnant woman and drives her fast to the nearest maternity hospital. From that moment on, his life will change completely.

The life of an advertiser does not look successful: the work brings income and satisfaction, the beloved woman agreed to get married. But everything collapses in one moment: Kostya's father dies, and on his hands is not only a family business – a manufacturer of women's shoes, but also helpless relatives who are used to the fact that their problems are solved by a man. Kostya is clearly not suitable for the role of "head of the family": he does not devote enough time to his fiancee Sonya and daughter marusa, he does not communicate much with his mother, and even less with his daughter from his first marriage. He is not interested in the family business and does not delve into the business of the company. But the tragedy forces him to grow up: Kostya no longer goes with the flow, but finds the strength to stand at the helm of the company and be a support for all his women.

Julia is young, beautiful and successful in her career, but there is no personal happiness in her life for a long time. Three years ago, she refused to go to the province with her fiancé Vadim, preferring a lucrative job in the capital, but could not find a worthy replacement for him.

How I Met Your Mother, the Russian comedy series produced by the company Good Story Media, which is an adaptation of the eponymous American television series How I Met Your Mother. The main character of the series, Dima Nosov, in the distant 2034, tells his teenage children about his own youth, as well as the life stories of his friends. Dima describes the circumstances in which he met his future wife. At the same time, he dwells on various events that took place in his life at that time with him and his friends: Pasha Vinogradov, Lucy Lyubimova, Yury Sadovskiy, and Katya Krivchik. The main action of the series takes place in Moscow today (in 1st season - in 2008–2009).

Investigator Sergey Shumov has a mystery on his hands. On a platform near a Moscow-Sevastopol train station the police have found a young man without documents and no memory. In near perfect detail, he can recall historical dates, songs of his favorite band, but can't recollect his name or say where he’s from. And frustrating Shumov’s search for answers even further are the young man’s personal belongings that offer not one clue to his identity.
