Tatyana Gavrilova

In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...


In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.


A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.


A revelatory discussion on a train. Based on Leo Tolstoy's novel of the same name.


According to the story of the same name by Yulian Semyonov. Employees of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department - Colonel Alexei Pavlovich Sadchikov, Major Vladislav Nikolaevich Kostenko and Senior Lieutenant Valentin Roslyakov are investigating the impudent robberies carried out by a group wearing dark glasses criminals. The City Savings Bank was robbed. The investigation of the crime indicated the involvement of a teenager, who soon came to the criminal investigation himself. With his help, the robbers who were preparing the next raid were caught. But the most dangerous criminal — "Prokhor" — is still free...


The film tells about the childhood of Yuri Gagarin, about that time of life, which, in his own words, played an important role in shaping his character: war, the occupation of their villages by the Germans, famine, the theft of the elder brother and sister to Germany, the expulsion of the Nazis from Smolensk, moving family in the city of Gzhatsk.


A thief Egor having served a term in prison goes to the country to meet his pen-friend Lyuba, a kind genial village woman. Egor comes to love Lyuba sincerely. Now he has friends, work and beloved woman. He decides to break with his criminal past and starts a new life. However, his former criminal associates interfere brutally.


Thirteen year old Slavik has always wanted to play football, but in order to play on the children's team he lies and pretends to be 12 years old. When they win, his life could not be better. But when his little sister finds out what he's done and threatens to send a letter to the losing team, his deception is revealed.


A doctor arrives from work in a provincial town from Moscow. At first, he yearns for the capital and friends. In addition, there are no patients. Igor decides to return to Moscow, but getting to know the locals, and even more the feeling that arose between him and nurse Alyona, forces him to change his decision.


Katerina Izmailova is a filmization of Dmitry Shostakovich's long-suppressed 1936 opera. Galina Vishnevskaya stars as Katerina, a bored 19th century farm wife. At the behest of her grungy lover, Katerina murders her husband and her father-in-law. She and her new beau are both sent to Siberia, where the lover almost immediately takes up with a younger woman. Banned by Stalin for its bleak portrait of Soviet life, Katerina Izmailova was not given a Russian staging for over 40 years; its Metropolitan Opera debut did not occur until 1994. Dmitri Shostakovich also wrote the screenplay for the screen version of Katerina Izmailova.


An insurance agent who moonlights as a carthief steals cars various crooks and never from the common people. He sells the stolen cars and gives the money to charity. His best friend, a cop, is assigned to bring in this modern robin hood.


A group of young motivated people are trying to convert old "Oduvanchik" restaurant in to a youth club.


Based on the story of the same name by Vadim Trunin. After going through all the details of the old combine with his own hands, the pioneer virgin landowner granddad Yakushenko met his last great suffering — harvesting bread — in the most dignified manner. But the mechanic ordered in his own way: he removed all the gears from the grandfather's car and used them for spare parts of idle equipment. Aleksei, Irina and Dmitriy decided to help granddad — and went in the evening to look for spare parts for his combine in neighbouring farms...

The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, with her daughter Tanya; she suggests he join them. Aleksei tells about his life on the road.


1941 year. The Siberian carpenter Kuzma Kroykov arrived in Moscow as part of a rifle company. In a line of fighters, he walked through the streets of Moscow at night and in a village near Moscow met Varvara Oknova. Resolute, tall and beautiful, she won his heart. But soon the protracted terrible battles for Moscow began...


This charming student film by Kobakhidze shows us the intrigues of love.
