Tatyana Lyutaeva

Mother and daughter, in grip of their acting profession, are stuck in a crisis. The career of one inevitably and painfully moves to its end; the other torments herself while trying to determine herself. Youth, beauty and talent — the daughter has everything necessary for success, but can she use her talent and take her place as actress or is she compelled to repeat her mother’s fate?

There is no single truth in love. Each treads their own path. Which should take precedence – passion or duty? How do we choose? And who gets to judge? These are the eternal questions, remorselessly thrust upon us by life. Anna Karenina made her choice, leaving her son Sergei to grow up struggling to understand why his mother took such a tragic and terrible path, and Count Vronsky haunted by the memory of the woman for whose death he still blames himself 30 years later. In 1904, in the aftermath of one of the battles of the Russo-Japanese war, Sergei Karenin and Alexei Vronsky find themselves thrown together in a remote Manchurian village, where fate offers them a chance to return to the events long past and, finally, to find the answers both have long been seeking.


In late-19th-century Russian high society, St. Petersburg aristocrat Anna Karenina enters into a life-changing affair with the dashing Count Alexei Vronsky. An eight part adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's "Anna Karenina" from Vronsky's point of view.


Andrey Kulikov goes to Paris to visit the grave of his great-grandfather, Andrey Dolmatov, who had been an officer in the White Army during the Russian Revolution. On the headstone of the grave next to his great-grandfather's, he notices the face of a young woman. Later, while walking through Paris, Andrey sees a woman, Vera, who looks just like the young woman he had seen on the headstone. And so begins the telling of two love stories, separated by three generations and one hundred years.


The film anthology includes 10 short films: "Asia", "Meeting", "Artist", "Yard", "Bahram Gur", "Lottery ticket", "Caspian Atlantis", "About love", "Aysel" and "Coincidence". Each screenplay in the project reflects different moments in the life of Baku. Short films bring to life relationships between people, their love and longing, happy and sad moments. The main hero uniting these people, relations and different moments of life is the city of Baku.


Young student Nikita suddenly gets into the past where he meets his own young parents, new friends and even a true love.


The beginning musician Kostya Potekhin, in order to win the favor of a beautiful girl, agrees to participate in a musical television contest. But you only need to participate with your musical group, which he does not have. Within a few days, he will have to assemble his group, find reliable friends and meet real love.


Romance, Comedy in Russian language

Young journalist Sergey gets from his friend a present - ankle boots which suppose to lead him into a right direction.

A retired KGB agent is trying to help his grandson and starts operation "Grandpa 005".


Nicolas Bersen is a Frenchman with Russian roots. He lives in Paris and works as a toy seller. Neither the mother nor the French bride - the daughter of the Parisian confectionery "king" - disapprove of Nicolas's extravagance, because the Sorbonne education allows him to make an excellent career in business. Before Christmas, Nicolas travels to Russia to learn more about her background. Who could have imagined that this trip would change his life? In Russia, he is going to get the adventure, family treasures, and ... true love.

Adam’s first wife Lilith is mentioned in the ancient Oriental legends, in Talmud and in the medieval books of Cabala. According to these sources, she was not created from Adam's rib like Eve but from clay like he himself. Nevertheless Lilith was not recognised by Adam as his equal and left him after a quarrel heading for Babylon. She has no soul, and she is immortal. Lilith assumes different names, can change her appearance, and takes possession of men against their will. Once it's accomplished, she leaves her victims forever, marking them for either spiritual, or physical death. Whatever she does it is neither Good nor Evil. She is made of an altogether different matter. Inspired by the works of French writer Anatole France, Yevgeny Pashkevich‘s GULF STREAM UNDER THE ICEBERG consists of three dramatically interwoven stories with the immortal Lilith stalking through time and space with her demonic mission.


Marusi's father dies on the operating table, and from that moment her life has changed dramatically. In search of work, the girl meets Alexei and his cousin Kostya. Both young men are not indifferent to Marusa - now she has to make a difficult choice. She still does not know that Kostya is the very doctor who unsuccessfully operated on her father.

Who said you have to win to be a champion? Slava Kolotiloff, a schoolteacher from a sleepy seaside town by the name of "Fingers" comes to conquer Moscow with the manuscript to his first novel in hand. But instead, quite by accident, he conquers the heart of a beauty named Nadia (Milla Jovovich). As their wedding approaches, Slava needs only to quit his job and tie up loose ends back in "Fingers" before returning to Moscow to start a new life with his new bride. But due to a number of bizarre circumstances he is unable to leave and back in the big city, the wedding goes on regardless as Nadia has to fend off the attentions of her ex-boyfriend Danya, who seems ready to do whatever it takes to win her back.


The well-known metropolitan novelist of the detective genre Grigory Vetlugin, who already has 36 novels behind him, comes to the provincial town of Ogarkov on the instructions of the publishing house to meet with his readers. By the will of fate, he meets Anna Gureva there - a woman whom he dreamed of all his life. The terrifying visions that visit him from the scene of the murder with the participation of this woman aggravate and make this acquaintance mystical and fatal. She goes to jail on charges of murdering her boyfriend ... After going through pain, hardship and hardship, the heroes of the picture come to repentance. There remains the hope that Love will heal the wounds and finally unite their destinies ...

Modern adaptation of the eponymous historical tragedy by A.S. Pushkin. The picture opens from the scene of the murder in Uglich of a young heir to the Russian throne by unknown people. It takes several years. Boris Godunov is persuaded to take the throne remaining vacant, despite his doubts. During the press conference, the Duma clerk announces Godunov’s decision to ascend the kingdom. People are discussing this decision at the TV. Behind the tsar’s back there is a secret undercover fight of several boyar groups for domination under the new government. Godunov, who ascended the throne, obsessively pursues a vision of the boy he killed. Meanwhile, the monk Grigory Otrepyev is hiding in the Miracle Monastery. After talking with Pimen, he learns the secret of the murder, flees from the monastery and decides to try to come to power. Having secured foreign help and gathered an army, Grigory goes to Moscow.


A romance blooms between a noblewoman and a common man amid a peasant revolt against the brutal Russian army


Провинциальная девушка Таня Клочкова работает официанткой в кафе, расположенном на трассе, и живет с матерью в поселке. Здесь у нее есть лучшая подруга Люда и влюбленный в нее друг детства Боря. Но судьба не преподносит ей сюрпризов, а другая, красивая и яркая жизнь, проносится мимо. Однажды в кафе заходит Кирилл, молодой и успешный москвич. Он влюбляется в простую и обаятельную Таню, и она отвечает ему взаимностью. Вскоре он увозит ее с собой в Москву.

Russian comedy film. Continuation of 2008 The Best Movie film, spoofing such famous Russian films as Zhara, The Irony of Fate 2 and TV-programs: Malakhov+, King of Ring and Taxi.


Abandoned by her father long ago, and mistreated day after day by her bitter and cynical mother, young Nadya still dreams of finding true and lasting love.


Three young guys are spending their days and nights trying to pick up as many girls as possible.


What's going to happen if you meet your soul mate but she's not ready even to hear about sex?..


Oleg has long understood that it is impossible to meet the girl of his dreams in this crazy world, but the hope for a miracle still glows in his heart. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to arrange his personal life, the young man turns to a marriage agency


Retirees Rud and Sem come into possession of a suitcase full of mob money... a comic adventure ensues.


A drama about a life of ordinary people in a small mining town.


Four good folks from schools got reunion in a summer café on the bank of River Moskva, and they had an unthinkable trouble to deal with check, though one of them is so rich. One by one, a friend left the table to find solution and everyone of them met with different stories. The rich one got caught, ended up in jail for a night with the help from other folks. Friendship never ends...


He was doomed to die, but managed to survive, and now his mission is to revenge for the annihilation of his tribe. He is the great warrior who calls himself Volkodav, and is the last man from the tribe of Serie Psi (Grey Hounds). After escaping certain death, Volkodaw — accompanied by Neletuchaya Mysh — is on a mission to kill Ludoed who is responsible to what happened to Serie Psi.


In the same world two sisters live. One of which was largely unlucky at the very beginning of life: Ulyana is a "gable child" who, by the age of thirty, had preserved the outlook, behavior and reactions of a ten-year-old girl. The second - Lisa - was not even luckier. She is a healthy person whose life is completely dependent on a disabled sister who voluntarily or involuntarily destroys the plans of her ambitious sister actress.


Выйдя из тюрьмы, Клим Блинов устраивается на работу охранником к старому приятелю Долбинскому, владельцу клуба (вертепа для бандитов с массажистками). Вскоре Клим понимает, что творится неладное: появился невидимка, похищающий туфли и подвешивающий посетителей к потолку. Ночью охранник встречается с призраком. Оказывается, его зовут Александр и до трагической гибели во время революции 1917 года он был дворянином и служил в Департаменте Юстиции…

A story about Marina and her problematic life after divorce.


The first feature of Lithuanian Valdas Navasaitis is a drama which unravels the hopeless 1970s, when people were deprived of their roots and forced to sit and watch their lives slip from their fingers. In a decrepit house that once belonged to a bourgeois family, several families seek shelter. Senis, a 65-year-old alcoholic, lives on the ground floor with his wife and their 16-year-old daughter. Senis is a survivor of the Nazis as well as the communist camps. He drowns the pain of his memories in a nearby pub and in talking to a depressed young laborer, Lorenca. Later on, a young couple and a lonely eccentric who enjoys only his cat's company join the inhabitants. Children wile away the time with useless games or spying on adults. When Lorenca hangs himself at the ruins of a nearby factory, the lives are shaken up. During the dinner held for the deceased, they find a moment of common hope.


Eccentric post-apocalyptic take on gangster cinema.


Leningrad; 60th years; white nights. Walking on Neva Embankment, the charming provincial has met three friends: poet, artist and film director. And each of young people has suggested to marry him.


While investigating an ordinary homicide a group of detectives suddenly find a connection to a very first faces of USSR government.


An ex-convict Viktor Dremov, who is also an ex-boxer, tries to mend his ways and start a new life but his former girlfriend is marrying another man (some old antiquarian), while local thugs rob him of his car and press him constantly trying to make him work for them. Being framed and hunted he should kill them all before he becomes a broken or a dead man.


In the second movie the Naval Cadets are guarding the princess coming from Germany to marry a Russian prince.


По мотивам повести Михаила Казовского "Пояс Титимити". Участковый иснспектор Павел Храпунцов "отслеживает" в своем микрорайоне секту с мистическим уклоном. В поступающих в милицию сигналах описываются действия некой Клементины, умеющей превращать людей в зверей и растения... Убежденный материалист Храпунцов не сразу понимает сложный мир Клементины и ее друзей.

Three naval cadets accidentally get possession of a secret diary that was stolen from Bestuzhev, a vice-chancellor of Russia. If this diary ever gets abroad, the consequences for the country would be grave. The cadets are trying to return the papers to their owner, but there are others who want to get the papers...


Sergey meets girls at the sea that he, allegedly working in a prestigious profession (he is either a pilot, flying abroad, or an employee of Vneshtorg), easily succeeds. He is interested in a woman sitting alone on the beach with a parrot in a cage. She is not particularly inclined to get acquainted, but eagerly talks about her son - a round honors student who was even shown to a professor from the Novosibirsk Academgorodok. Here, Sergei meets a terribly impudent guy who knows who he actually works.


Russia, 1787. On the eve of the treacherous attack of Turkey on the Crimea, Empress Catherine the Great is given an anonymous letter threatening violation of the southern borders and stability of the conquered Crimean lands!

A film about the drama of a talented doctor who fell into a chain of tragic accidents - the death of his wife, psychological trauma that led to the loss of his voice, imprisonment, his daughter's drug addiction and a suicide attempt - but who found the strength to turn the tide, not lose heart and save himself, his daughter and granddaughter .