Tatyana Orlova

The second part of a comedy about a blogger who has to hide within the walls of a monastery from punishment on charges of insulting the feelings of believers.

Tanya Babanina from Protvino near Moscow bakes masterfully and dreams of her own cafe. But to fulfill a dream, they say, you need to get out of your comfort zone. And Tanya goes out on an international scale, finding crazy adventures on her rolls. One in Sri Lanka. Without money, documents and a husband who cheated on her immediately after the wedding. But with a hangover, in a winter coat and ... Under the same roof with three guys who are not at all happy with her.

Continuation of the New Year saga "Yolki". This time, all the stories in the film will be based on real events.

In an ordinary Moscow there is an unusual House — with a strange apartment in which not a single resident has stayed for long. And as soon as an independent mother and her lovely 8-year-old daughter moved there, the new residents find out that their living space is not that ordinary, and that the real House Elf lives there. But the House Elf has long been offended by the whole human race and would do all imaginable filth in order to remain alone in the ill-fated apartment.


Story of the rise of a girl from proverbial humble beginnings to top Russian fashion model during Cold War-era USSR.


Sometimes New Year eve can bring a lot of surprises...


Kirill Andreyev lives in Moscow with his sister and works for a tabloid newspaper "Secret Truth". His life changes one day when a colleague gifts him a magic amulet. The amulet transports Kirill to Altai mountains where folklore and magic are real.


Comedy drama about two friends who steal a car of coal and want to sell it, for which they carry coal on an old steam locomotive on an abandoned railway. Despite the fact of the crime, his goals seem to be good: one of the thieves is a school principal who wants to make repairs in the classrooms and buy computers, and the second is a driver who went on an adventure with his son, in the hope that the seven — year-old Bear will talk. They had to take the driver with them — an old one, like the engine itself. The railway, which has not been used for many years, becomes for this eccentric company a path from the past to a bright, possibly future.
