Tavinho Teixeira

While writing an adaptation of the play "4.48 Psychosis", by English playwright Sarah Kane. Luisa (Ingrid Trigueiro) travels to a desert beach with her family. Immersed in the text, Luisa finds the work's impulses increasingly immersed into her own reality, driving her to the threshold of adaptation and delirium. Between theater, sketch, archival images, and complex memories and family relationships, Arthur Lins uses different staging references to compose a small tropical tale about complex creation process.

To protect herself from a revolt by the workers on her family's farm, a reclusive designer locks herself in her armored car. The clock is ticking and the tension rises. Separated by an impenetrable layer of glass, two universes are about to collide.


Eduardo has a mysterious disease in his body. The appearance of crabs everywhere in the tropical city of Recife may have something to do with it.


Otavio and Gilda are a very wealthy couple of the Brazilian elite who have the habit of eating their employees. Otavio owns a private security company and is a notable member of The Cannibal Club. When Gilda accidentally discovers a secret from Borges, a powerful congressman and the Club’s leader, her and her husband’s lives are in grave danger.


During the slavery period in Brazil, a sugar cane farm was the stage for the darkest kinds of horrors. Years later, the place's cruel past is still stained in its walls, even if unnoticed, until a series of strange events starts happening and death returns to the farm. The film is divided in five short horror stories.


While the country is under the yoke of a military junta and corrupt priests preach the apocalypse, a lawless, eccentric family – a kind of Bonnie & Clyde with kids – trek through the Brazilian interior. Their first aim is to deliver a consignment of weapons to a group of militant nuns who have withdrawn to the jungle, living off the income from their cannabis plantation. As gay , bi, trans, the converts so organized to make revolution.


A couple in love. An adorable baby. Dear friends... and enchanting countryside. Perfect ingredients for an idyllic weekend that proves strangely unforgettable.


Clara, a 65-year-old widow and retired music critic, was born into a wealthy and traditional family in Recife, Brazil. She is the last resident of the Aquarius, an original two-story building, built in the 1940s, in the upper-class, seaside Boa Viagem Avenue. All the neighboring apartments have already been acquired by a company which has other plans for that plot.


A plumber finds the old owner of an abandoned house. The stranger is conducting a paranormal experiment.

Batman and Robin struggling to survive in a apocalyptic third world.


“Old age isn’t a battle, old age is a massacre.”

End of Times. Father and daughter seek a place in the shade to rest.

Let the most distracted of men delve into his deepest dreams: put him on his feet, move his legs, and he will infallibly lead you to water.

When a album is played backwards, do not fear, a lot can happen.