Tea Lukač

A silent landscape flashes past the windows of a moving car conveying different sets of passengers. The conversations veer towards such diverse themes as carol-singing, nuclear waste, and the dangers of hornets’ nests. Tea Lukač’s anthropological probe gets by with a minimum of cinematic devices in order to deliver a focused study of the phenomena of memory, history and tradition.

Boris Mitrović is the biggest Justin Bieber fan in the Balkans. Inspired by his idol, and armed with his manager, a Lamborghini and a fan base on Facebook, Boris is trying to make his show-business dreams come true. While some fans dream about the day they will meet their idol, other fans dream about the day when they will become someone's idol. The film explores the distance between these dreams of love and success and the everyday lives of the fans.


Nadia, an eighteen-year-old girl disappeared without a trace not having given any prior notice that she was going to do that. Her father, Svetozar goes in search of her without preconditions where he could find her. During that search he discovers the background of growing up in a big city and the world in which his daughter spends her time for which he himself had no idea that there was.
