Teddy Yip Wing-Cho

Fuk Ching (Michael Hui) runs a farm in Mainland China. Persuaded by a Western businessman, the two put together a joint venture scheme to build a hotel.


A remake of the American film Ruthless People. Sean Lau plays a rich, fast-food chain owner named Lam Chak-chi. Mr. Lam hates his wife but married her so that he could inherit the fast-food chain from her father. He decides he will kill his wife, but before he gets his chance she is kidnapped. Shortly after, the kidnappers demand ransom money or else they will kill his wife. By telling the police one thing and the kidnappers another, he hopes to get rid of his wife, keep the cash and come out of it all without being suspected of any wrongdoings. However, things don't go the way Mr. Lam expects. Lau Ching Wan also plays his twin brother, who is one of the kidnappers.

A few years in the life of Ah Kam, starting with her joining action director Master Tung's team of regulars.


The film centers around a writer, Alan Tam (Anthony Wong), who has spent the last decade in a mental hospital. Upon leaving, he rents an apartment in an abandoned building which contains a clock that sends him back to 1984. The only person that can hear Alan during this time is one of the previous tenants, a young girl named Dolphin (Dolphin Chan). A strange romance soon develops between the two, and so when her sister Whale (Perrie Lai) begins dating a suspicious professor (Lawrence Ng), Alan helps Dolphin to find out the shocking truth about her sister's beau.


Jiuwen dragon, who lives by collecting bad debts, divorced his wife and lived with his son. He didn't want his son to know that he didn't do his job. He falsely claimed that he was a policeman, but he accidentally...

Slacker Douglas Ng (Michael Chow) decides to become a gigolo to make money in order to impress grade school sweetheart Joanne, now a currency speculator.


This is apparently a true story about Ching Man Fei, played by the very pretty Alice Lau, who has been blind since six months old and lives with her family in Canton, China. She is about 17 in the role, though Ms. Lau looks older. Ching wants to study, to learn, but her family does not really want that. Throughout the first part of this film, people say to and about her that she is a burden, that she had to do something evil in a past life etc. The family maid Wo becomes the one person who truly believes in her, taking her around the city and answering her questions about everything and eventually being instrumental in her being able to study. The scenes together of Ching and Wo are terrific, you feel the love and trust between them. There are people who pass by in Ching's life, a blind beggar street girl named Jade and a radio actor, who helps her, but their characters are underdeveloped, as if they really were blips in this person's life (perhaps they were).


A little-known Hong Kong crime film.

A young martial arts teacher is drawn into a plan to reform Imperial China.


Mindy Chan (Andy Lau) is a top-notched gambler/swindler. His girlfriend Lily (Christy Chung) and friend Ah Chi are card dealers at the casino where bad guy Lau and his mistress Mona (Anita Lee) frequent. Chor Hung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), a play on the Chinese name for famed retired actress Cherie Chung, is a senior security guard at the local prison. During a card game, Ah Chi and Mindy swindle millions of dollars from Lau, but they are caught. Lau makes a deal with Mindy - in exchange for Ah Chi (who had been kidnapped), Mindy needs to go to prison and find out where a guy named Robinson (Kwan Hoi-San) has hidden $3 billion dollars worth of bonds.


Hero of the Beggars is a Hong Kong Comedy starring Chan Wai-Man and Michael Hui.


A poet named Butterfly and her friend Kuen visit a stranger's mansion to return some possessions that were unintentionally taken. At the house, they stumbled upon an illegal weapons trade that ultimately went bad. To evade the police from interrogations, the two innocent witnesses wiped away their fingerprints and left a note that stated that the crimes were committed by "The Black Rose," who is known to be a fictional hero in a 1965 movie. However, a recovered fingerprint caused Kuen to be the prime suspect, and the apprentices of the Black Rose, apparently a real hero whose legacy was portrayed in the 1965 movie, attempt to seek the truth in the matter by confronting Butterfly.


Francis Ng stars as Chic, who helps his friend Che, a Taoist ghostbuster, with various assignments. They both owe gambling debts to the nasty mobster Rabid Hsiung, so they're in desperate need of money, leading them to take on a request from the elderly Taoist master Tang to help him capture the Banana Spirit. On a late-night search, the trio is frightened by a demon as well as awakening the Banana Spirit, Muyung Yu-Yu, who takes the earthly form of a beautiful model and seduces Chic. Chic and the ghost become lovers, and she saves his life when he is shot at by mobsters as well as helping him win a great deal of money at one of Rabid Hsiung's casinos. Hsiung figures out that Yu-Yu has special powers, which he attempts to use for his own benefit, but Chic kills him before he can realize his plans. Unfortunately, Hsiung rises from the grave as a clownish evil spirit looking for revenge, and Yu-Yu's allotted time on Earth is quickly running out.


When a Catholic church in a small Chinese town falls prey to an evil combing the powers of Western and Chinese vampirism, Taoist priest Uncle Nine (Lam Ching Ying) and Catholic priest Wu (Wu Ma) must overcome religious and cultural differences in order to defeat the vampire.


Master Lam and his two disciples must battle a horde of Chinese vampires in order to get the teeth dust needed to cure an ailing general. Meanwhile, the general's wife is pregnant, and the evil spirit of an aborted baby wants to possess the unborn child's body for its resurrection.


The "Five Lucky Stars" attempt to help a restless ghost take revenge on the evil drug gang who took his life. At the same time, they want the ghost to help them get rich and court the four policewomen assigned to the case.


To save the Hong Kong Police Force's Banshee Squad from becoming defunct, the struggling new squad members seek the help of former officers Amy (Sandra Ng), now a divorced mom with a young kid, and May (Kara Hui), now partially mentally-unstable, to help them with their training regiment, lead by Madame Yang (Cynthia Khan). Their police skills are put to the test when they are ordered to nab a band of brutal thugs in the city.


Sammo Hung Kam-po directs, produces and stars this comedy action thriller about Success Hung, an ace cell phone salesman who his feeling the heat from young, up and comer Miss Cheng (Carol Cheng Yu-ling). One day, Hung witnesses a mob hit. Though the panic-stricken salesman tries to tell his friends about the incident, Hung's gift for exaggeration in the past makes everyone suspicion of his claims except for a relative the deceased who comes to believe that Hung pulled the trigger. Soon two different groups of mob hitmen are out for Hung's head. As the misunderstandings multiple, Hung's wife, Miss Cheng and a female psychologist (Joyce Godenzi) wind up entangled in this mess. Soon Miss Cheng winds up in the hospital while Hung and the other two woman in a police safe house, which inevitably proves to be none to safe.


Sheila returns to Hong Kong for a summer reunion with her parents. However, she is distressed by her parents' quarrels. From their quarrels, Sheila soon finds out that her mother's, Myunt, love affair with an actor, Ho, in the past. Ho loved Myunt dearly. He even killed himself to protect her reputation. Sheila arranges a seance meeting between Ho and her mother. Something goes wrong and Ho is stranded in the human world. Gradually, Sheila falls in love with Ho. To her great dismay, Ho shows his love to Myunt only. Sheila thus helps him to be with Myunt again. Sheila's father is outraged. He calls on all celestial powers to send Ho back to the other world. Sheila throws herself to protect him. She is killed. In order to give Sheila a new life, Ho promises to return to ghost land and gives up any chance of a new incarnation, then Sheila revives.

Sammo Hung plays three different characters: Fatty, Fatty's father and Fatty's grandfather, Hung Kau. Fatty is a hotel worker, yearning for sudden wealth. Therefore, he, and his co-worker, enter the gambling world, to the dismay of his father. When Fatty hits rock bottom, the ghost of his grandfather resurrects to help him. However, Fatty learns that his grandfather was murdered, therefore, he will stop at nothing to avenge his death.


Story of a down on their luck married couple who make a deal with a ghost to win at gambling. Only catch is that it must be spent before 7am.


Tow truck driver Tin bears an uncanny resemblance to a psychotic, serial killer, taxi driver -- and now the cops are chasing the wrong man. He and his cousin Wawa must catch the killer on their own to prove their innocence.


Chu Lai-Ngor (Carol 'Dodo' Cheng) and her daughter Vivian (Vivian Chow) have now moved in with Alex Lui (George Lam). They're not married yet but she's calling herself Mrs. Lui now. Just when the ultimate housewife and ultimate nag Ngor thought she got rid of her competitor for Alex in the first movie, she now has more competition, in the form of choreographer director Joe (Maggie Cheung). Alex's cousin from Canada Ao (Hui Siu Hung) also present him with a bunch of problems and thoughts in his head with his kids and his perverted attitude. What will Ngor, Alex and Joe do?


Impoverished teahouse worker (and martial-arts student) Abao is engaged to his boss' daughter, Little Chu, and fights to protect her from the lecherous advances of the wealthy but repulsive Master Shi. The two men's romantic rivalry escalates into full-scale supernatural warfare after Shi enlists the aid of a wicked sorcerer, and Abao encounters a benevolent female ghost.


David died a virgin, and the Doomsday Book says a virgin ghost has no right for reincarnation until he deflowers a human virgin. So David assumes the human shape and goes after Yen. Yen's boyfriend finds out that David is a ghost and warns her, but she doesn't listen. It's now up to him to protect her--against her will--from the sneaky and sex-crazed ghost of David.


Heroic Bloodshed movie from 1990


The only son (Tony Leung Ka Fai) in a family of police officers marries Mina, an ambitious `half-breed' colleague (played by Joyce Godenzi), incurring the resentment of his four sisters, all policewomen, especially the eldest, Ling (Carina Lau). There is pressure on Tony to father a son, to keep the male line going, although Mina wants to delay pregnancy until she gets promoted to Superintendent.


Hui (Michael Hui), an owner of a Hong Kong tabloid magazine company hires martial artist Bill Lee (Sam Hui) to help him get a good headliner for a magazine story to, hopefully, save his failing business.


Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?


Lovable Mr. Coconut arrives in town from Hainan China where he lived with his coconuts. Here in the sophisticated urban jungles of Hong Kong. He has finally reunited with his family, as he endures Hong Kong Streets of the late 1980s, filled with stock and property gamblers, heavy mobile phones and others.


A woman seeks protection from a very mischvious ghost.


A triad punk and a rich kid have to put their differences aside when they are both pursued by gangsters.


Wong is a junior clerk in a construction company. He lives under the care of his uncle and his cousin, Ping. But the woman who occupies Wong's attention is Jenny, the widowed wife of the son of his boss. One day, a Billionaire leaves Wong with the secret to become rich. Things seem to go smoothly with him. He is promoted twice, and now as the Assistant Manager. The boss even consents to his marriage with Jenny. The newly-wed couple goes on a honeymoon trip in Switzerland. He dashes into a...


Mob assassin Jeffrey is no ordinary hired gun; the best in his business, he views his chosen profession as a calling rather than simply a job. So, when beautiful nightclub chanteuse Jennie is blinded in the crossfire of his most recent hit, Jeffrey chooses to retire after one last job to pay for his unintended victim's sight-restoring operation. But when Jeffrey is double-crossed, he reluctantly joins forces with a rogue policeman to make things right.


A firefighter salvages a spiritual shrine from an old burning building, which releases the gentle ghost of a Chinese opera singer, killed in a stage fire 30 years before. Grateful for saving her, the ghost falls for the firefighter and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety from the evils that lurk ahead. At the same time, the firefighter doesn't realize he is dating a ghost.


Years ago, a village head in the Hong Kong countryside executed a man for committing adultery by drowning him in the ocean. His mistress, in attempts to flee the village, dies when she plummets into a pool of quicksand. Years later, people swimming in the ocean mysteriously vanishes, and their bodies wash ashore days later. A local policeman named Lu Hsien who practices Taoist magic believes a water ghost (presumably the ghost of the adulterer) is responsible for their deaths. Therefore, he joins forces with his colleague, Wang Hsiao-Ming, to rid the countryside of this demon before he can strike again. However, Hsiao-Ming is unaware that the ghost of the mistress, having risen out of her muddy grave, fell in love with him and will see to it that no other person falls for him.


A witty and thoroughly engaging send-up of both the fast food business and the cut-throat techniques often employed by conglomerates to crush independent competition.


Three Against The World is a 1988 Hong Kong action film directed by Brandy Yuen and starring Andy Lau and Rosamund Kwan.


Siu-Fung (Lydia Sum), an owner of a pizzeria, unexpectedly succumbs to a heart attack. However, her spirit was unable to cross over to the other side, thus, she resurrects into the body of a young woman (Maggie Cheung). Afterward, she reunites with her family and tries to convince them that she is alive. Yet, the plot thickens when a woman, unrelated to the family and is physically identical to Siu-Fung, appears, and Siu-Fung's husband (Bill Tung) thinks that that woman is his wife.


After losing their lottery winnings during the bank's closure, the Biu family's luck changes again as Bill's job promotion and daughters' education and work careers sent them and the entire family to lead their new lives in Canada, where new misadventures await.


Playboy Hong Kong Barber Happy Chan opens a fashionable new salon, right next to an old-fashioned Shanhainese barber shop. Its owner, Chuk, is furious at this development and starts a quarrel with Chan and his colleagues during the opening ceremony of his new venture Chuk's pretty daughter, Ying, is forced to keep the peace. Chan and his friends all attempt to woo Ying, but end up getting drunk and falling asleep in her bedroom. Later, Ying discovers that she is pregnant but no one can remember which of the trio did the deed. Chan and his friends endeavor to do the right thing, banding together during her pregnancy until the true identity of the father can be determined. When the baby is born its discovered all the prospective fathers have the same blood type and confusion reigns anew.


A wronged ghost is out for revenge after her suicide.


Wacky comedy filmmaker Jeff Lau (All For the Winner) directs Carry On Hotel, a madcap comedy filled top to bottom with Hong Kong stars! The setting is a five-star Singapore hotel, and the players and situations are too numerous to count. Kent Cheng is a seedy detective who sets up cameras to record an illicit affair. A hideously glam rock band checks into Kent's room, and gets a free show via his hookup. Meanwhile, silly thief Richard Ng Yiu Hong uses ninjitsu to fool the locals. Womanizing tour guide Eric Tsang gets stalked by not one, but two pretty women (Cherie Chung and Pat Ha). And Jacky Cheung is a lowly mechanic at the hotel who lusts after gorgeous executive Sunflower (Joey Wang). But his tomboy co-worker Cecilia Yip secretly pines for him. Director Jeff Lau keeps the zany laughs coming fast and furious, and even manages to change things up with some slight dark humor, and even some sweet romance.


One the day Horny to get married, his two pals Frank and Kai told him to avoid the trap of marriage. However his finacee forced him to sign the certificate. Kwai, Horny's other pal had a firm with his brother Fu. Fu could not manage the office and owed the Fok's family 2M and Fok's manager Robert persuaded to merge Fu's company. The three pals joined Fok's to solve the crisis...


Two Hong Kong men must find a way to deal with their love lives: One with a much younger girlfriend and is admired by his co-worker, and one who is married to two hilarious, dictatorial and stubborn women.


First off, despite the Porky's name this is not a raunchy comedy filled with nudity and major mayhem. Its a fairly pleasant teen comedy about a school where the boys and girls are originally at odds and they play practical jokes on one another. Loletta Lee is in it, ironic that later on in her career she was not averse to taking her clothes off, but its more of an ensemble piece. I think if you're under twenty one you'll enjoy it.


Wai is a waiter in a country club. One day at work he is humiliated by the wife of a millionaire Harry Tse; and in order to get even, he and his gang plan kidnap Mrs. Tse. His gang includes Jacky Chong, Sly Sze and Martha. The kidnapping goes wrong from the beginning. Instead of getting Mrs.Tse, they kidnap Harry Tse by mistake! The police sends Inspector Mina Ho to investigate, and she suspects Wai as one of the Kidnappers. Mina also asks Mrs. Tse to cooperate with the police, but Mrs. Tse refuses. On the other Hand, Wai and the others do not know how to get the ransom money. Harry in fact helps them to devise a plan, since he's afraid they might do something nasty to him if they don't get the money...


The Vampire Master joins forces with another fellow priest (with his two pet "ghosts" along for the ride) to defeat an evil witch and her henchman, whose goals are to defeat the human race. The priests must also overcome the odds of the separation between humans and ghosts.


Cousin Big (Richard Ng) returns home from the UK in order to find a wife and settle down. He has previously driven out his illegal immigrant friend Ma (Wu Ma) from the UK and the scores aren't settled. That is all cast aside when not only one, not two but three ghosts are to be dealt with and one is Cousin Big who has fallen in love with one of the ghosts (Wong Man-Si)...


Brandon plays Brandon Ma, a regular working Joe who holds down two jobs, so he can support his girlfriend May and his dream of owning a motorcycle. Brandon's best friend is Michael, an ambitious and murderous dope peddler. Michael covets May and so he comes up with a plan that will win her for him, and solves a problem he's been having. It seems that an undercover cop named Sharky has been using his police connections to dominate the local cocaine trade, so Michael has him killed and uses Brandon as the fall guy. Brandon goes to jail, though he thinks that he will be released soon thanks to the efforts of his good buddy Michael. Eight years later Brandon finally gets out of jail and vows revenge.


Sammo Hung stars in this supernatural crime comedy directed by Ricky Lau Koon-wai and Phillip Chan Yan-kin. Tuba (Hung) is a fainthearted cop who prefers to play in the brass section of the police band to pounding the streets. One day, he finds himself caught up in an extortion case with trigger-happy detective Rambo Chow (David Chiang Da-wei). When Rambo gets fatally wounded, he makes a half-hearted vow to avenge his death. Tuba is more than a little surprised when Rambo's spirit returns to make sure the timid cop makes good on his promise. Backed up by his hotshot partner Cheung (Jacky Cheung Hok-yau), Tuba eventually summons the gumption to track down the baddies.


Jane, born in a lower-class family and neglected by her parents, becomes a rebellious girl. She enters a famous high school by personal relationship of her aunt. May, born in a rich family and spoiled by her parents, is very capricious. Isolated by her classmates, Jane keeps silent and swallow everything. Not until one day, when she rescued May, who has constantly saved Jane from being embarrassed in class, Jane shows her power and is greatly respected by May.


In Thailand in the 1950s, Detective Au Wei is shot to death by Cha Tin-Hung in a raid because of Cha's involvement with black market diamonds and jewelery. Wei's daughter Chun Chun swears revenge, helped by Wei's friend Yeh Tai-kor, a professional con-man.


The Hong Kong detectives, Chau and Beethoven, are back once more. This time, their mission is to protect a young girl from a gang boss' henchmen, who are trying to eliminate her so she couldn't testify in court against their boss. Meanwhile, the plot thickens when a police medical report revealed that Chau apparently has cancer; therefore, Beethoven will see to it that his partner will have a well-deserved vacation in his remaining months.


A family guy cop (Melvin Wong) goes deep into a case and gets involved with a deranged killer. His partner and friend (Philip Chan) along with a new protégé Porky (Pat Ha) take over the case and look for his missing partner (who's "enjoying" the twisted company of the killer. Can Inspector Chan and Porky find Melvin before he becomes the latest victim of the psychotic killer?


Chan Wai Man is a ruthless cold contract killer working for an organisation headed by Ku Feng, whose inevitable aims are to protect his drug dealing network.


Dragons in the night ,hideing in the darkness of the shadows of the night, lying in wait for the Prince of the dragons to be born , I should say hatched, they can hear the sounds of the pecks many miles away; it takes several thousand years for the egg of a Dragon to hatch , all the beasts of the wilderness,waiting for the moment the magnificent one will arrive —Sheila Johnson

Ah Chi (Ka-Yan Leung) is obsessed with the martial arts and, more often than not, his kung-fu clowning gets him into trouble. Ending up facing Hsia (Eddie Ko) of the notorious Jade Brotherhood is inevitable. As a result, Hsia forces Chi's martial arts master to expel him. Masterless and working for a fish vendor, Chi meets a crafty kid (Yat Lung Wong), whose uncle Chow Tung (Chin Yuet Sang) is a master of the Insane Mantis style. The Jade Brotherhood aims for control of the small town but Chi is training with a new Master and will not accept bullies in the neighbourhood.


One man takes on a cartel headed by three brothers, who are responsible for the savage beating of his mother and the murder of his brother.


Mr. Chi (Larry Lee) goes to Thailand to assist a close friend, Nai Sin (Huang Chung Hsin), in preparing his Muay Thai boxers for a battle with Japanese boxers who have arrived in Bangkok to get even for a past loss. Instead of training Nai Sin’s students to take on the Japanese, Mr. Chi finds himself having to take on the Japanese himself, as he has to help one of Nai Sin’s top students fend off the Japanese due to the student not coming through on throwing a boxing match.


This sword-filled thriller centers on the title location--an inn where the down and dirty meet to plot nefarious doings. Award winning actor Ku Feng stars as the "Whip Devil," while the luminous and lethal Shih Szu plays "The Lady Hermit" who has a surprise in store for all the double-crossing masters of mayhem.


Everyday when General Xiao and his men ride through the Imperial City, inhabitants have to scatter around in order to keep out of their path. One day when Lei plans to assassinate Xiao but gets hurt, another three fighters He, Jiao and Feng come out boldly to help him out. With the help of Zhu, a cook, He succeeds to escape whereas the other three are seized. Later on, He acquaints himself with the girl Gui. Along with another two girls, Hai and Jiang, these eight youngsters are the descendants of the late patriotic generals, who have been recently murdered. Gui suspects that Hai and Jiang are controlled by Xiao and sneaks into his manor. She meets the girls successfully, but she is seized. When Wan, Xiao's butler, urges his master to kill Hai and Jiang, Jiang overhears their conversation and tries to rescue all her friends. At last, the eight are united and try their best to fight against General Xiao and his men.


Sworn-brothers expert martial artists are the targets of a mysterious killer, which seems to bear a grudge against them for what happened several years ago.


This rare release is set in the cloistered halls of the imperial palace, the home to many ghostly stories of wrongful deaths and lonely spirits, amidst the quiet shuffles of the eunuchs. Pai Ying stars as the titular eunuch, a powerhungry official who is willing to go to any extent to achieve his nefarious goals.


Ho Li-Chun, a pretty but ruthless swordswoman, and three challengers are participating in an open tournament at Prince Kuei's Palace. A knight, Chen Jo-Yu, is defeated in the tournament. He flees and later returns with knight Tang Ching-Yun who wields a strange sword. They get trapped but Ho deliberately sets both free after seeing Tang's weapon which she recognizes as the same weapon once used by Sun Tien-Chen, a foe of the Ho family. She decides to investigate. She finds out Prince Kuei actually is Sun, who killed the real prince years ago and assumed his identity. Ho joins forces with Chen and Tang. The trio slays Sun in a desperate confrontation at the palace.
